IkamvaYouth Class of 2018 Placements Report
Each year, IkamvaYouth supports learners to ensure they not only pass matric, but also access post-school opportunities that can lead to them earning a dignified living. These opportunities include tertiary and other training opportunities, learnerships, and employment. In January, we were excited to announce a pass rate of 82% for the class of 2018, with 69.3% eligible for tertiary.
With the dust of the matric pass celebrations having settled, IkamvaYouth is proud to announce a placement rate of 77.7%:
- 50% learners of the class of 2018 have been placed into post-school opportunities (39.5% are studying at university or college; 6.1% are in short courses, higher certificates and related short term training; 2.1% are enrolled in learnership programmes; 2.3% are employed)
- 27.7% are improving their matric results through supplementary exams/upgrading programmes or enrolled in NCV courses at FET colleges.
- 22.3% are currently not in education, employment, or training (NEETs).
A total of 188 (39.5%) of IkamvaYouth’s 2018 matric learners have secured tertiary placements at various institutions across the country. As has been the trend in recent years, CPUT has the highest number of Ikamvanites enrolled (17 learners). It is encouraging to note that the number of institutions that have enrolled 10 or more Ikamvanites have increased to seven this year (UCT, Rhodes, TUT, UJ, UWC, NWU, CPUT). Last year, only four institutions had 10 or more Ikamvanites enrolled.
It is also encouraging to note the increase in the number of learners getting into the following institutions, compared to last year:
Ikamvanites are enrolled in a wide range of courses this year, including Humanities & Social Sciences, Business, Administration & Management, Education, as well as Science & Engineering. The diversity of career streams taken by the learners is encouraging, and it makes us proud to be supporting the learners to access these respective career choices.
Without the support of the branch staff and mentors, some of these learners would not have had the chance to know the courses they are pursuing even existed. One of these learners, Rebaone Moeng, from our Ikageng branch had the following to say:
“I have had only positive things to say. IkamvaYouth helped us a lot last year while I was in matric. In simple words, I didn’t think I would be in university, I had limited knowledge of available courses and learned how to apply for enrolment, and course requirements. I would not have even made it through to matric without IkamvaYouth’s assistance. It is because of how much IkamvaYouth invested in me that I decided to become a tutor, for me it was only fair to give back as much as I have received. But also seeing how much IkamvaYouth changes lives from my own experience, being part of that is an honour. There’s a lot one can get from IkamvaYouth and the best part of it all is that you ought to utilise that opportunity because not many people are as fortunate. I honestly had and am still having an amazing experience at IY and I hope to keep being part of the IY family for as long as I can”.
Access to funding for tertiary has improved by close to 20% from last year; 73% of those who accessed tertiary have thus far secured funding through NSFAS as well as other bursaries/scholarships, compared to just 56% last year.
“I am very grateful to the staff for the support that they have given me. I don’t think that I would have made it without them based on the kind of person that I was before”.~Mihlali Breakfast, Joza branch
Mihlali Breakfast joined the Joza branch because he heard some of his friends discussing the level of assistance they were receiving from the IkamvaYouth programme. Mihlali passed his matric with a Bachelor pass, earning two distinctions in Maths Literacy and Isixhosa Home Language. Mihlali is enrolled at Rhodes University, pursuing a Social Sciences Degree. Mihlali has been very consistent in his academic performance throughout this year and attributes that to the support he has received from IkamvaYouth.
Thank you to our funders, tutors, staff and all partners continue to make the journeys to dignified living for our learners a sure possibility. As more and more learners access post-school opportunities, we are confident they are breaking the cycle of poverty in their families one step at a time!

Call for applications: IkamvaYouth Board members
Who are we?
IkamvaYouth is a township-based volunteer programme that gets learners out of poverty through education. The organisation exists to reduce inequality in South Africa, and its track record of matric results, access to post-school opportunities, and alumni success is proof that positive change is possible.
Who we are looking for?
The organisation is seeking to recruit non-executive members to serve in a voluntary capacity on IkamvaYouth’s Board & Subcommittees and to be custodians of IkamvaYouth’s work, impact, sustainability and values by actively participating in the organisation’s governance and leadership. As part of the board, you will provide strategic direction to IkamvaYouth by adopting strategic plans; determining policy and processes; ensuring the integrity of IkamvaYouth’s risk management and internal controls; monitoring operational performance and management. Directors must ensure that they have the time to devote to properly carry out their responsibilities and duties to IkamvaYouth.
Your responsibilities and duties:
- Annually revising and approving, in consultation with the Executive Management Team IkamvaYouth’s strategic objectives for the year ahead.
- Monitoring progress of IkamvaYouth towards achieving the objectives of IkamvaYouth’s current strategic planning.
- Monitoring the activities of the Executive Director and executive to ensure that the operational policies are being followed in accordance with the constitution.
- Engaging in decision making around policies that have a financial implication for the IkamvaYouth and expenditure to ensure that the constitution is being adhered to in the implementation of the activities of IkamvaYouth.
- Sitting on one of the Board Sub-committees; Human Resources and Governance Committee (HRGC) or Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee (ARSC).
- Marketing IkamvaYouth to potential donors.
- Exercising leadership, enterprise, integrity and judgement in directing IkamvaYouth so as to achieve continuing impact and sustainability for IkamvaYouth.
- Exercising the utmost good faith, honesty and integrity in all their dealings with or on behalf of the IkamvaYouth
- Acting independently of any outside fetter or instruction.
- Being prepared and able, where necessary, to express disagreement with colleagues on the Board including the Chairperson and the Executive Director
Time requirements:
- The board meets four (4) times per year for 3 hours; at least once every three (3) months and at the written request of any two members of the Board.
- The subcommittees also meet four (4) times per year for 2 hours; at least once every three (3) months and a written request.
- A minimum of 2.5 hours to prepare for each meeting by reading and engaging with the meeting pack.
- The quorum of a meeting shall be two-thirds of the Board. This may be made up of Board members present in person, or virtually or electronically present, and/or who
vote electronically.
How to apply:
To apply, please send a statement of interest/motivation and your detailed CV to Amanda Luyenge: amanda@ikamvayouth.org . For any other enquiries, please contact Amanda Luyenge on 021 820 7444.
To know more about IkamvaYouth visit : www.ikamvayouth.org
Application deadline: 29 March 2019

CCP class of 2018 achieves 90% matric pass rate
Building a sector of effective after school programmes together
Cindy Mkaza-Siboto(in blue), Emagqabini Education Academy co-founder, with her class of 2018 learners celebrate an 83% matric pass rate.
IkamvaYouth’s Community Collaboration Programme (CCP) partners have achieved an exceptional 90.4% matric pass rate, with 59% bachelor passes and 22% diploma passes (81% tertiary eligibility). Twelve organisations in the Western Cape and Gauteng provided academic and extracurricular support to over 200 matrics in 2018. The motto “achieving against all odds” has been embodied by the changemakers in the after-school sector, in efforts to assist youth to reach their greatest potential. Without a doubt, this is exactly what the partners in the CCP lived up to!
We are very pleased to share that three of our implementing partners Bokomoso Education Trust, Mamelodi Initiative and Boys and Girls Club – Protea Glen have achieved a 100% matric pass rate!
Speaking about the programme’s support Nonhlanhla Rambuda, from Boys and Girls Club – Protea Glen said: “I joined in 2017, it has helped me so much in improving my marks also having adults who care about you and our academics was so much of motivation. I wouldn’t have done it without the tutors. I passed with Bachelor degree admission. Now my plan is to go to Culinary School and become a chef.”
During an event hosted to honour the bright stars from the class of 2018, Bokang Mokoena, Director of Phakamani Young Minds Academy, quoting Ellen Degeneres he urged the youth: “Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then, by all means, you should follow that.”
Busiswa Dayimani, IkamvaYouth’s Community Collaboration Coordinator, said, “I am proud of the growth and impact that the organisations are making in the lives of the youth in the communities. The Community Collaboration Programme has been a success in creating a space for organisations to support each other and cross-sharing skills in running effective programmes to deliver quality to the youth and mentoring the newer organisations. We look forward to supporting our class of matriculants to find opportunities that will see them living a dignified living.”
In collaboration with The Learning Trust (TLT), IkamvaYouth established the CCP in 2014. The programme provides training, support and space for peer-to-peer learning to social entrepreneurs running tutoring programmes. Out of 14 organisations supported in 2018, 12 had grade 12 learners enrolled, namely; Beautiful Gates, Sozo Foundation, Just Grace, Emagqabini, Boys and Girls club Pimville and Protea Glen, Phakamani Young Minds Academy, Bokamoso Education Trust, Refilwe, Yakha Ikusasa Manje, Mamelodi Initiative and The Assist. In 2019 IkamvaYouth will be working with 18 partner organisations across Gauteng and Western Cape.
Nonceba Mtwana, National Coordinator for The learning Trust was equally thrilled by the success of the CCP partnership, she said: “We have seen value in the combination of both programmatic and organisational support for embryonic community-based organisations. These organisations fill a real need in our communities where learners are faced with multi social challenges that limit their academic success. The trajectory of success in these organisations has been impressive”.
A big thank you to all our supporter and partners, who continue to make it their responsibility to transform the lives of many marginalised youth, through equipping them with quality education!
Phakamani Young Minds Team with the 2018 matric learners celebrating the success of the learners achieving 88% pass rate.

Shining the light on our Volunteer Tutors! | 2018 Tutor Appreciation Event
Finally, we have reached the last academic term of the year and after all the hard work from our learners, volunteers and staff, this is a very special time designated to celebrate the commitment and the value of paying-it-forward demonstrated by our volunteers!
Our Western Cape region recently held its tutor appreciation event and what an honour it was to have all our regional volunteers in one place and shining the light on the amazing work and impact they have achieved this year – which certainly doesn’t go unnoticed. Scores of over 130 volunteers were in attendance and even our Executive Director, Lungile had the pleasure of meeting these amazing and talented tutors, who are the heart of IkamvaYouth!
“I am honoured to lead a vibrant army of young people who are banging the drum of change; one maths question at a time! Our army of tutors give their time voluntarily – as one of our volunteers said recently: ‘we need to build each other up in order to move forward as one’”, she said.
At IkamvaYouth, we love and value our volunteers, whose commitment makes our programme sustainable. Every year our volunteer support saves the organisation over R6m. Our volunteers, many of whom are previous learners, who have transformed from beneficiaries to benefactors have been trained to be able to deliver an effective tutoring programme which ensures that our learners succeed academically.
Throughout this year, tutors worked in small groups and provided academic support to our learners who brought in work that they are struggling with to the tutoring sessions. IkamvaYouth’s volunteer tutors, certainly play a much more bigger role than just tutoring; as they deal with students from similar and different backgrounds. They build strong, personal relationships with each learner and this is always visible at tutoring sessions.
Sharing about the support received from tutors, Grade 10 learner, Lesedi said: “I’ve been struggling with Maths and Physical Science and Daniel helped me to understand the concepts and now I am doing very well in the two subjects. He went an extra mile for me by scheduling extra classes outside of tutoring sessions. He is a great source of motivation, he always encourages me to be the best that I can be and not allow my circumstance determine my future. He is a good role model, because he is striving to do good even when times are tough!”
At the event, certificates were awarded a few of the many exceptional tutors who generously donate their time. Their high level of commitment and engagement that contributes to the success of our vision and mission was illuminated in their high spirits. The awardees included: Inganathi from our Nyanga branch, who took home the highest tutor attendance award; while Marilee from our Atlantis branch and Thembisile also from Nyanga, received long service awards. The top achiever of the evening was Doctor – who tutors at the Kuyasa Branch, he was crowned the best tutor, this award was voted for by learners and other tutors.
Asked how he felt about this achievement, Doctor said the following:
“Firstly, I’d like to clarify that we as tutors are all equal and no one is doing a better job than the other. Receiving the best tutor award for me shows how much you are appreciated and valued both by learners and tutors, it means those extra miles we go are noticed and that is a motivation to me to continue paying it forward!”
Without your support and that of our volunteers, we would not have had the opportunity to assist over 2,000 learners at the 17 IkamvaYouth branches, to reach their academic goals and get into post-school institutions – ensuring more young people are set on the path to earning a dignified living.
Thank you for your continued support!

Protecting young girls and keeping them at school, by: Future Booi
We are sharing this blog with you, written by Future Booi, one of our many Ikamvanites who wants to change the world. Help make her dreams possible by supporting her and other young people in our programme.
My name is Future Booi and I am nineteen years old. I live with my single mother and sister, who is 21 years old.
My goal and vision are to make a change in the world. There was a young girl whom I have chosen to name Lizzy, to protect her identity. She lived with her mother and grandmother. Lizzy had physical special needs and she was partially blind. Her mother abused her physically and I think this was due to her mother’s alcohol abuse. Lizzy cried every day and was sad most of the time. There were times they didn’t have food; my mother would give what she could as she knew Lizzy’s mother was unemployed and the odd jobs she was getting every now and then were not enough as she used some of it for drinking. The only person who tried by means to care for Lizzy was her grandmother who eventually died. The situation escalated when Lizzy’s mother passed on too, after some years. I still recall how difficult life was for her at that age.
My mother was supportive, ensured she was safe and made sure her basic needs were met. My mother also took it upon herself to find Lizzy’s other relatives as she had been left all alone upon losing her mom and grandmother. Eventually, my mother was successful in tracking down her aunty. The day her aunt came to take her to live with her, was the last day I saw her. I vowed to myself that, I want to make a difference, to change the lives of other young girls, girls in my community, having witnessed Lizzy’s difficult childhood, I vowed to make a difference in young girls’ lives. To care for young girls who have been abused and abandoned by their parents.
I would like to build a home for kids who have been abused, abandoned and/or orphaned. I want to make a change in their lives and give them hope. I would like for them to have a chance at rebuilding themselves, a chance to heal emotionally and this would require a specialized panel of counsellors and psychologists. I also believe in educating the young, I would also like to have their education fully funded, a guaranteed success for a bright future. They deserve to know their worth and for their dreams to come true.
Today, these communities I live in are still facing the same problem of children being abused like Lizzy and they are too scared to speak about what they are going through. It might be because they don’t have a person they can trust and talk to about the situation and it could also be that they don’t know how to communicate their feelings. In our culture, it is so unfortunate that children are almost not allowed to voice their feelings and concerns and this is especially worse for girls because we are exposed to patriarchy. This makes it even harder when attending a government school that focuses only on academics and very minimal, if at all, on emotions and feelings. Girls nowadays are targets and they are easily attacked. This is what makes this goal relevant today. Young girls need to be protected and cared for. This goes beyond academics and education in general. Lizzy was young and naïve but I’m sure what she went through then still affects her now. And I cannot help but wonder if she ever got the help she needed in order for her to heal emotionally and physically, she endured so much abuse from her own mother. Presently in our society, there are many girls like Lizzy who are going through the same or are in a similar situation. I just hope that my goal becomes a reality, if it does not put an end to this terrible ordeal, I hope it inspires other women to come to the realization that we need to protect female children.
Women abuse is a serious matter in South Africa and something must be done to stop this. Girls need to feel safe and they need to be loved not violated by men. We don’t deserve to be treated this way, we deserve better.
Girls that share the same story, like Lizzy, are out there and they exist, they just need a person that is willing to help them heal emotionally and mentally.
In order to make this work and make it possible, I think me studying psychology will help in making this dream possible and I believe that this scholarship will make my goal possible.
Here’s a little bit more about me……
I love being around people and I enjoy meeting new people. I was raised to respect both old and young. I am a God fearing young lady and very religious. I value education, I believe it is very important in one’s life. I respect and love myself and I appreciate the person I’ve become. I was born and raised in Uitenhage and I attended primary school there, I then moved to Cape Town in 2013 December to study at Ocean View Secondary. I am currently doing grade 12. My mother is a domestic worker.
I believe I am unique and versatile. I am a strong young woman and I can take on any challenges that come my way. Most of all, I have been blessed with the gift of giving and this gift has been the main reason I have these goals and dreams I need to fulfil. In my upbringing, I witnessed struggles besides my own and at the time I was only nine years old and I could not do anything about it. These same struggles gave birth to my dream and changed the way of thinking and challenged me to become a better person in the world.
Written by Future Booi