Donation Benefits
Transform lives with your donation while also receiving a financial benefit for your business. When donating to IkamvaYouth you will receive your Section 18a tax benefit or improve your B-BBEE score by earning Skills Development (SD) points. In addition, we also invite you to add IkamvaYouth as a Payroll Giving option for your employees.
Earn B-BBEE Points
SD is the measurement of the extent to which employers carry out initiatives designed to develop the competencies of Black employees and Black people internally and externally. IkamvaYouth has set up a matric bursary programme, learnerships/ internships and training (including vocational, digital and work readiness), which represents an opportunity for your company to earn SD points under the B-BBEE codes and achieve lasting impact. IkamvaYouth will provide the relevant documentation depending on your verification process requests.
Receive a Section 18a Benefit
IkamvaYouth is a registered PBO and therefore your donation will make a long lasting impact while also being fully deductible through your annual income tax submission. Once you have donated to IkamvaYouth we will provide your company with a Section 18A receipt to verify a tax benefit on your bona fide donation.
Employee Payroll Giving
Payroll giving is a simple and effective way for your company and its employees to make a monthly tax deductible donation to a cause like IkamvaYouth. Payroll Giving is easy and direct. Employees can be confident that their contributions will be managed efficiently and will help to change lives. This also contributes to building a corporate culture of community and responsibility.
Legal standing of the organisation:
Organisation Name: Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu
NPO registration number: 032-082 NPO
Registration date: 29 March 2004
Registered PBO number: 930030238
Registration date: March 2003
Address: 47 Westminster Road, Salt River, Cape Town, 7925
BBBEE Status:
Black Beneficiary Base: 98.08%
Black Female Beneficiary Base: 63.36%
Value occurring to Black Beneficiaries: 98.08%
B-BBEE SED Recognition: 100%
Your company can earn Social Economic Development (SED) and Skills Development points with IkamvaYouth. Your company can also receive a Section 18A receipt for tax relief on your donation.
To earn Skills Development points, IkamvaYouth has set up a matric bursary programme, which represents an opportunity for your company to earn points under the B-BBEE codes and achieve lasting impact.
If you would like to know more about this programme, please contact Nicola-Ann Jukes at nicola-ann@ikamvayouth.org.
IkamvaYouth is a Level 1 B-BBEE supplier as more than 75% of its beneficiaries are black South Africans.

Get In Touch

Nicola-Ann Jukes
021 820 7444 | 061 737 5344
47 Westminister Road Salt River, Cape Town