Since 2003, IkamvaYouth has over 1000 learners complete their matric. Our alumni are encouraged to continue to be involved in the organisation as tutors and mentors, and can even see themselves working for the organisation as interns/full time staff members, or even serving on the board!
Zukile Keswa (Zuks), joined the organisation as a grade 11 learner in 2004. During his tertiary studies, he came back to IkamvaYouth to serve as a volunteer tutor. Zuks was the first alumn to become an IkamvaYouth staff member in 2011, starting as the Makhaza Branch Assistant. Since then, he’s held a number of roles in the organisation, and is now the Gugs Comp Branch Coordinator.

This year, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming quite a few of our alumni back to IkamvaYouth as staff members. One such alumn, is Phelela Mokwana, who matriculated in 2008. Here’s what she had to say about her new role in the organisation:
“I was once a learner at Ikamva during my high school days from 2006-2008. I’m now working as a B.A for Makhaza branch. My experience working at Ikamva is amazing. I’ve started working during winter school 2016, It just reminded me of the days when I was a student, seeing learners engaging themselves in the the tutoring space and the commitment of tutors has just reminded me of why I came back to work for Ikamva.
Through the journey of being in and out of companies has just made me discover my potential which is
working in empowering young minds, helping them to achieve good results, helping them to become positive role model in their communities and have a dignified living.“
Phillip Mcelu, who matriculated back in 2006, just joined the team this month. This is what he had to say about coming back to IkamvaYouth:
“I am happy to have found my way back to the IY family, as I am an alumnus from the Makhaza class of 2006! I’ve been working in the ICT industry for the last 5 years and am excited to be starting as the Tech Coordinator for IY. I’m looking forward to building a national network and sharing my ICT knowledge with my IY family.”
Below are the alumni that joined the IkamvaYouth body of staff this year:

And now… IkamvaYouth is seeking an alum to be a board member of the organisation. The successful alumni will learn a great deal about what it takes to run an organisation.
Level of Commitment required:
- The Board requires a commitment of four board meetings a year (lasting approximately 2 hours) as well as prepare for the board meetings which will take approximately 2-3 hours.
- There may be other ad hoc events that the board member will be required to attend.
- The successful alum will not get paid for his or her time but will be making a meaningful contribution to the running of IkamvaYouth.
Areas of expertise sought (any of the following):
- HR
- Sustainability
- Leadership
- Fundraising
- Finance
- Passion or interest in the education of disadvantaged youth
Serving on the board of IkamvaYouth is a wonderful, enriching experience, especially for someone early in their career. Aside from the joy of working for a public good, it can broaden your experience and skills, which might help you find your next job. For more details of what being a board member entails, please click HERE, where you’ll find our constitution.
If you would like to nominate any alumn for this position, please click HERE.
The vibrant State Street mentors have shown that an essential first step in a successful mentoring program is for both the mentor and mentee to identify, define, and honestly articulate their common and individual goals and motivations. On the afternoon of the 28th of September 2016, the Masiphumelele matriculants attended their closing session with their mentors. The learners were ready and very excited to catch up with their mentors especially since we’re getting closer to the deadline for tertiary applications and exams!

Thato Kola (State Street Mentoring organiser) and Nathan (State Street vice Director) gave some motivational words to learners, before they paired up with their mentors for their final session. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the State Street mentors and their team for knowledge and wisdom they have imparted upon IY learners. It has been a great help and support throughout the year. I believe success for our matriculants is at least in part due to the sincere support and mentorship provided by State Street.

I’m so proud to be a part of the Umlazi branch. We have tutors who arevolunteering their time to help our dedicated learners who have decided that they want better futures and are willing to start now to work towards it. The committed staff always go above and beyond their payroll. I would like to send a vote of thanks to everyone.
We are a family at Umlazi branch, from our sponser CCBSA (through representative Sam Nkosi) to the parents who helped us and donated netball and soccer kits for our Winter school sports day. Winter school was a success learners attended in their numbers, so much so that we didn’t have any kick-outs.
“Sport’s day was fantastic and let’s not forget our matric camp which was fabulous. We were so excited about everything and are now waiting to write our final exams so that we can also give back and be tutors.” Asanda Gumede

We had a matric camp this year, with World changers Academy. There we were able to learn and interact a whole lot more with our matric learners and the tutors. Our matrics did a leadership course that covered vision, leadership, team building, goal setting, relationships and healing of the past.
“IY and world changers has helped us so much in developing the skills we need to become the progressive leaders we want to be” Zekhethelo Ngcobo
The months of June, July and August have been good to the Ebony Park branch. IkamvaYouth has managed to implement its programmes and achieve its goal of ensuring learners receive the necessary information which will prepare them for their journeys in life.
IkamvaYouth Ebony Park branch invited several service providers; Stock Shop, Rivers Foundation, Dr Khubeka, and had a visit to CCBSA plant. The branch’s goal for the term was to incorporate all its programmes and ensure that learners were exposed to career guidance, mentoring, job shadowing and life skills workshops. On the 23rd of July, Ikamvanites in Gauteng had the opportunity to engage with Stock Shop, an organization that empowers young individuals about the financial world and their own personal journeys. Ikamvanites were also graced by the presence of Luvuyo, a Chartered Accountant who gives back to the community by motivating and sponsoring young males who wish to pursue accounting studies. Luyuvo’s motivation was based on the interest learners had in accounting studies. Furthermore, A connect group, Rivers Foundation, of professionals from different departments ranging from Accountants, Directors, IT Technicians and many more visited the Ebony Park branch to celebrate their 67 minutes of Mandela day with IkamvaYouth learners by tutoring and sharing information on their professions. 
Chris Dykes, a learning facilitator, facilitated a workshop for Ikamvanites in grade 11 and 12 on the 14th of August. The workshop focused on how the brain works and on how to study smart not hard. Sechaba Mosia, a grade 12 learner had this to say “I have learned how my brain can really catch up and how to study and also the difference between headings, subheadings and sub-subheadings.” A job shadowing opportunity at Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa was the next stop. The process of knowledge is one that is divided into two, inspiration and information thus the Ebony Park branch in association with CCBSA set off to one of the largest Coca cola plants in the world in the quest for knowledge. The name Coca Cola is one synonymous to greatness, however, the humble beginnings and the story behind the brand is one that is not echoed to ordinary citizens.
Learners were warmly welcomed and taken into a lecture room by Thembi Sithole where the process of thorough inspiration and information took place. Firstly, a video about the brand was played followed by a question and answer session with learners. Upon hearing that the product dated all the way back to 1892 “ahhhhs” buzzed around d the lecture room. At the end of the video, “Who created Coca Cola?” was an immediate question asked by Sphamandla Ndlovu a grade 10 Ikamvanite, the question was thrown to all the learners, after moments of hesitations “Pemberton” (Dr John S. Pemberton) was shyly shouted only for the rest of the group to join in much to the amusement of the facilitator.

After a session of explaining and giving theories, learners were taken around the plant and shown the entire processes of creating the product from packaging to bottling. As this wasn’t enough for Ikamvanites, the branch together with its branch committee organized a career hour on the 10th of September. The career hour was meant to avail professionals to visit the branch and engage in a dialogue session where learners get to know the day to day duties of different careers and all the information needed to survive in that particular profession. The branch invited professionals from different organizations like Standard Bank and SAMSI. There were also psychologist, lawyers, statisticians, an environmentalist, corporate managers and bankers present.
As we work towards uplifting the youth from disadvantaged communities, the Ebony park branch has achieved its goal of ensuring that learners received the necessary tools to use as they challenge the life ahead.