Right now there are many hundreds of thousands of ex-matriculants anxiously waiting for their Matric results to come out on Thursday 6 January 2011.
With this in mind, I’d like to stick my neck out a bit and make two predictions for the 2010 Matric results.
- My first prediction (and one I make with a reasonable degree of confidence) is that Ikamvanites will once again excel despite the incredible obstacles they encounter in their schooling careers. The MEC for Education in Gauteng, Barbara Creecy, recently indicated that our township schools cover an average of only 60% of the curriculum each year which has a devastating compounding effect each year a learner progresses. (click here for her talk). Despite this, the IkamvaYouth Matric group will once again be an inspiring example of a group of individuals taking their futures into their hands though hard work, collaboration, dedication and commitment. As a result, many more township school learners will access quality post-school opportunities and many more will return to IkamvaYouth as volunteers to help others do the same.
- The second prediction (and this is more a hunch) is that the overall matric pass-rates will stay the same or close to the same as 2009 – and may even improve by a couple percentage points. Now if you’ve been following the traumatic schooling year that was 2010 you’d probably think this would be a somewhat surprising (read: miraculous) result. If this is indeed correct, then it would seem that the schools have achieved phenomenally well despite the massive disruptions of a 5-week public servant’s strike and the extended holidays for the Soccer World Cup. Or at least thats one interpretation. The other interpretation (and I’ll leave it to you to decide which one is a truer reflection) is that we will now have conclusive proof that you can take teachers out of the classroom for 5 full weeks and add additional disruptions and not see any major negative impact on the end results. If this does not prove how dysfunctional our schooling system really is then nothing will. It is somewhat perverse to think that it would actually be more reassuring if there was a significant drop in 2010’s Matric results but I don’t think we’re going to see it.
We’ll know for sure next week whether any of these predictions are accurate and then we’ll no doubt be inundated by analysis from the experts who may agree or disagree with the above but the bottom line (in my opinion) is that we continue to shuffle deck-chairs why the titanic is sinking.
As IkamvaYouth we’ll no doubt put together an official response to the Matric Results and try to identify areas where we – as a country – can begin to solve this problem. On the one hand we will wildly celebrate the SUCCESS of our amazing Ikamvanites while at the same time, on the other hand, we will continue to be moved by the annual loss of learners who leave school with limited future prospects.
Andrew (in his own capacity)
Want to make a difference or help us expand? Then sponsor a learner or IkamvaYouth branch today? Or Volunteer.
Hi everyone,
I am writing on behalf of all the ikamvanites to say a huge THANK YOU to all our learners, volunteers, interns, families, collaborators, supporters and friends; to wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS and to share some of our highlights and stories of 2010.
The year started with much cause for celebration: Our two grade 12 cohorts from the class of 2009 achieved excellent results. The Western Cape learners achieved a 89.7% matric pass, while the KZN learners achieved an 82% pass; compared with the national pass rate of 60.6% and provincial passes of 78.6% and 66.1% respectively. Even more impressively, 86% of the Western Cape ikamvanites and 81% of the KZN ikamvanites achieved Bachelor or Diploma passes, enabling access to university and universities of technology. This is particularly notable given that only 34.9% of black South African youth achieved these types of quality passes in 2008 (CHET, 2009). More than 70% of last year’s grade 12s are currently enrolled in tertiary institutions, and many have returned as volunteer tutors and mentors.
We’re hoping that the class of 2010 will reach similar heights, despite the disruptive school year caused by the World Cup and the strikes. IkamvaYouth’s branches stepped up to offer intensive tutoring, holiday programmes and strike-interventions this year, and the results of our volunteers and learners’ hard work is already evident in the reports that have been coming in over the last few weeks. There are so many great stories, activities, projects and achievements that it’s impossible to mention them all here. Please browse through our blog, join us on facebook and follow us on twitter to get a sense of some of what’s been happening this year at our branches in Khayelitsha, Nyanga, Masiphumelele, Cato Manor and Ivory Park.
We thank the supporters and partners who made these events happen, particularly the campuses that availed pro bono access to their venues and infrastructure for weekly activities (Nazeema Isaacs Library, Masiphumelele Library, Nyanga Library & Siyakhula Community Centre) and winter schools (TSiBA, UWC , DUT). A huge thanks is due to the committed donors who funded our activities again this year (Raimondo Trust, EMpower, The Learning Trust , Amobia, Hatch, Transnet & PPF), and a great thanks and welcome to the new funders who joined us this year (Potter foundation, Anglo American Chairman’s Fund, AME, Starbucks, Masi Corp, Eskom, Apheda, Nashua & WCED). Thanks especially to the individuals who’ve donated throughout the year through our fundraising events and monthly direct deposits.
We’re very proud to have launched the coolest website on the Internet, and send out a huge shout of thanks to the volunteers who designed and developed it :). We’re also super excited about the upcoming ikamvanite zone site, where ikamvanites can share resources, how-tos and networks for implementing IY programmes at their branches and beyond… watch out for the launch early next year.
Phillip Mcelu, Funeka Kalawe and I presented the IkamvaYouth model at the Quest conference on Improving Student Achievement and 21st Century Skills in Canada, and a major highlight of 2010 was receiving the Mail & Guardian / Southern African Trust Drivers of Change award for being THE civil society drivers of change in Southern Africa! The judges said of the ikamvanites “these learners are the true drivers of change as they are also setting a good example for younger learners to become agents of change for their own success.” Please read the full article about IkamvaYouth in the M&G’s Investing in the Future suppplement.

Finally, we welcome and congratulate the newest addition to our board of directors, Thobela Bixa. Thobela was a grade 12 ikamvanite in 2005, and has recently been awarded the Potter fellowship to do his MA in Chemistry at UCT. He’ll also be joining Susie at the University of Michigan for a year 🙂 We thank David and Elaine Potter for their ongoing suport of our people and organisation.
While we celebrate the achievements of our learners and volunteers, the situation we seek to address is depressingly becoming worse. While in 2002, white learners were twice as likely to enrol in tertiary study than their black counterparts, in 2007 this disparity increased such that white learners were three and a half times as likely to enter the doors of higher learning than black learners (CHET, 2009). The pressure is therefore upon us to do more, and in order to step up to meet this need, we need your help.
If each of the people reading this volunteers 3 hours a month or donates your equivalent earnings for this time, we can make a significant dent in the inequality that’s perpetuating disadvantage in SA.
600 learners will be enrolled in IY programmes next year, and we need funding to provide them with the support they need to lift themselves and each other out of poverty. With more volunteers and funds, we can reach more learners in the coming years – join the learning revolution and be the change! Volunteer! Donate! … or at least get a My School Card!
We’re holding thumbs for our 2010 matric’s results, and look forward to all the successes and challenges of 2011. But in the interim, let’s all enjoy the holidays 🙂
Viva ikamvanites, viva! Thanks for a truly remarkable and wonderful 2010.
While the education sector has been through some challenging times this year – especially the public sector strike that had a tremendous impact on the schooling system especially those schools in the townships, there has been many more satisfying accomplishments for IkamvaYouth along the way. During these trying times, IkamvaYouth took charge by helping our learners with more tutorial sessions during the week and on weekends which culminated to better academic results that a mojority of our learners have attained this year and of course we are very optimistic that our matriculants will do the same. All of this has been a testament to dedication and commitment of our goals. At the end of it all, one cannot forget but to mention the successfull and a well attended Prize giving ceremony hosted jointly by the Makhaza and Nyanga Branch on the 3rd December 2010. This event recognises the commitment and dedication of both our learners for achieving the best attendance for the year as well our tutors for freely and willingly giving their time, skills and talent to help us realise our goals. While the beneficiaries (i.e. leaners) were thrilled by receing the awards and of course the gifts that accomponied the certificates, one cannot forget to extend a word gratitude to people who made it all possible (our sponsors: Fedics who donated food and Appletiser who donated drinks, UCT Centre for Film and Media Studies who donated Nokia phones and a special thanks to Raimondo Trust for sponsiring our excursions, and many more who sponsored us with money, books, diaries etc)
To all our sponsors, IkamavaYouth is making an impact to our society because of your generosity and for that we are greatfull. Your donations makes it possible to continue making change in education despite the challenges we face everyday and of course the economic distress that we sometimes find ourselves.We look forward to working with you in the future.
To all our volunteers at large, IkamvaYouth and those we serve, deeply appreciate your contribution and thank you for making 2010 a year to remember.
Enyoy the festive season and all the goodness that it brings!