On the 9th of August 2014, IY Nyanga attended a Women’s Day event organised by Ilitha labantu in Gugulethu. Nyanga branch com’s head of Health and Life skills, Onelisa Qwaka attended the event on behalf of the branch.
The theme of the event was ‘Young women emancipating themselves from abusive relationships.’ The day was a mix of activities, including group discussions, presentations, and individual opinion sharing. The ladies got a platform to outline the challenges women face in the different environments, such as school, work, home and on the street. A number of issues came up, including teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, crime and gangsterism and child abuse.
After outlining the different issues affecting women, the women did mini workshops to find solutions for the challenges. Key lessons garnered from this exercise were that women abuse is everyone’s problem and communities should unite in fighting it. The group also identified certain tools that can be used to fight abuse and some were as follows: introspection, reporting abuse, educating women about their rights and trusting one’s instincts.
Nyanga representative, Onelisa Qwaka had the following to say, after the event: ‘ It was successful indeed, and we left the hall feeling empowered, happy and seeing room for improvement in their lives.’
A very special thank you to Ilitha labantu f Young women emancipating themselves…
or inviting IkamvaYouth to this important workshop.

Following the success of the matric camp in 2013, the WC team ran the second annual matric camp following directly on after the two weeks of winter school in July. This year saw 85 matrics from the Western Cape branches as well as from the Eastern Cape get together for a week getaway at the Rotary Glencairn camp site, for 5 days of intensive tutoring, academic workshops and exam practice.

The first day saw all the learners arriving at the site and participating energetic team-building exercises to help break the ice as learners started interacting more freely across the branches, working collectively to earn points for their various teams. True to ikamvanite culture, tutoring started in earnest from day one and the learners spent the rest of the afternoon working through past exam papers and Answer Series guides.
Throughout the camp learners have all managed to take part in a variety of activities aimed at preparing them for their final exams and tertiary studies. From intensive tutoring and exam practice to workshops around how to study effectively and evening self study times.

While the camp is a serious study boot camp, with tutoring happening from early in the morning until late into the night, the learners found the time to energise themselves through the terrible weather with an impromptu talent show where learners mixed things up between branches for an evening of singing, dancing, stand up comedy and drama. I’m convinced the next MC Solaar is in this group!
Sixolisiwe sibebosi , a volunteer said the following: ‘The matric camp was very productive to me. Firstly everything was well prepared, the kids were hungry to learn something and that gave me a lot of courage and it motivated me to make sure that I give all and make a change. IkamvaYouth changed my life and I also passed my matric because of IkamvaYouth and matric camp so it was a minor thing for me tor do, I wish I could do more.’

Bonke Sibunzana, a learner from Masi said the following, ‘what I liked about matric camp was how committed the tutors were. They encouraged us to use the tutoring time wisely. I also like how united we were as ikamvanites. We showed love and support for each other ‘, while Nobulali Swaartbooi from Nyanga said ‘Matric camp was a great experience. It was great learning with people from different schools and coming together with all our different ideas.’
This strongly echoes IY’s value of peer-to-peer sharing and IY is excited to witness the fruit of the Matric camp as the learners write their mock exams in September and final exams in November.
A very special thank you to Pick’n Pay Fish Hoek, for generously supplying camp catering, and ensuring that all our learners, volunteers and staff are well fed every day of the camp; Rotary for their beautiful camp sites and ERM for the donation of solar lamps for all our matric learners. This gives out learners going into their final exams the opportunity to study at home in the evenings, thanks ERM!

Good luck for the final exams IY 2014 Matric Class!
My name is Sesethu Nika, doing my 1st year at UCT
I joined Ikamva Youth (Makhaza Branch) in the year 2012 while doing grade 11. A friend of mine brought Ikamva to my attention so I decided to apply. Luckily for me I got accepted. Joining Ikamva was the most helpful decision for my academic life.

Even though I was an average learner, I needed an environment that would allow me to reach my fullest potential and Ikamva Youth provided me with that platform. Not only did I get great assistance with my academics but I also got a chance to make new friends and meet phenomenal and inspirational people.
Attending the career exhibitions with my fellow Ikamvanites helped me a lot. I got to see what my strength and weaknesses are in order for me to choose the career path that was most suitable for me. I also got involved in the Ikamva Youth Debate Club which helped increase my confidence levels and public speaking skills. Ikamva prepared me for the big bad world.
With all of the assistance, positive energy, encouragement and inspiration from both tutors and learners, I was aspired to work harder and achieve my best. Because of my matric results I was accepted at UWC and UCT and decided to take the UCT offer.
I am currently a student at UCT doing a degree in BSocSci majoring in Environmental and Geographical Science as well as Public policy Administration. Life at university is not all roses. It is quite demanding and needs someone who is focused and knows what they want to achieve in life. Having independence is wonderful and helps one find their feet and be able to stand on their own. Unlike high school where one can depend on educators, university is a totally different story.

Getting to university is not a walk in the park and completing a degree is even more challenging. One has to know what they want in life, they has to be hungry for education. Having education is the sharpest weapon that one can use to fight against poverty, crime, unemployment, ignorance and all other forces that are preventing people from reaching success.

Like all Ikamvanites would say “Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu”..

It wasn’t too long ago that women were barred from political, legal and economic rights. Thankfully, many positive strides have been made to empower women and African women have become an economic force to be reckoned with.
Joy Olivier, the founder and director of IkamvaYouth, was nominated as a finalist in The Most Influential Woman in Business and Government award. There were 9000 nominations from 31 African countries showing how popular this award is throughout Africa. Recently, she was eventually handed the award of the Most influential Woman in South Africa and the SADC region in the category of Welfare and Civil Society Organisations.
The whole event organised by CEO Communications recognises Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government and aims to sustainably celebrate and uplift women who are making a contribution to their communities and economies across the African continent. These awards were seeking someone who is not just doing their job but also someone who is a role model. Their initiatives have evolved into the Most Influential Women in Business and Government programme, which has been recognised over the course of several years as the pre-eminent recognition platform for women.
We applaud Joy for such an amazing achievement. Keep up the great work Joy! IkamvaYouth and Africa celebrates with you!
Each year, Mail and Guardian selects 200 young South African leaders that they identify as playing an important role on South Africa’s future. The Mail & Guardian, through its 200 Young South Africans project, paints a picture of where South Africa is going as a country. The people selected each year come from across all sections of society and epitomize the best that South Africa has to offer.
Nyasha Zvomuya has been identified as one of these 200 Young South African’s for 2014 under the category of Education for her work in the education revolution in South Africa. We are proud to have our very own Ikamvanite being showcased for impacting education through the work they are doing at IkamvaYouth.
This shows us all that vision 2030 can truly be a reality and that through hard work, we can surely reach the stars!
Congratulations Nyasha!

On the 30th June 2014 80 Masi learners and tutors met to launch what became an action packed two weeks of Winter School at False Bay College. At the very beginning of Winter School many learners were unsure of their expectations and were uneasy about what was lying ahead of them but needless to say, the first day got us all off to a brilliant start.
The morning began with fun and games at assembly where learners where getting to know the tutors, staff and fellow ikamvanites a bit more in an attempt to build rapport and unity within the group. Walking around the room during these “getting-to-know-you” activities what was interesting to observe was how some of the tutors has so much in common with the learners and vise versa. This activity was certainly in incredible way of breaking the walls that may have existed between learners, tutors and staff.

After the fun and games house rules were set by the learners. The purpose of these rules was to ensure that the two of Winter School brought forth all the desired outcomes in a fun and disciplined environment. After setting the rules, learners were taken on a tour of the campus as this would be their space for the next two weeks.
After the tour, it was time to get the ball rolling with the purpose of Winter School; tutoring. Learners were divided into their different tutoring venues and assigned tutors based on their subject and grade. From the get go, Masi learner displayed a drive and zeal for learning that personifies a true iKamvanite.
After all the hard work during tutoring, learners were treated to workshop in the afternnon ran by various organisation in and around the Cape Town. Organisations such as Iziko Museum , Fundza, Cape Leopard Trust, Love Life and the SA Jewish Museum are just some of the organisations that spent an afternoon with our learners empowering, training and ecnouraging the learners in different spheres of life.

The two weeks of Winter School did not only present an opportunity for the learners to get intensive tutoring but it brought about an opportunity for the learners to get to know each other, the staff and tutors outside of their normal space of tutoring.
The highlight of the entire two weeks was Friday 11 July where Masinites were crowned the Talent Showers winners for the very first time. Well done to the Masinites for claiming their long awaited glory.