IkamvaYouth Eastern Cape

IkamvaYouth Eastern Cape

On the 22nd of October  2012; in Grahamstown; we approached our first school in our quest for partners in the fight against the Education crisis facing our country.  The name of that school is Nombulelo Senior Secondary School; together with two other schools they have come on board to be part of our first branch in the Eastern Cape. The other two schools are Khutliso Daniels and TEM Mrwetyana Senior Secondary Schools. IkamvaYouth is breaking new ground in the Eastern Cape.

The strides we have managed to take in this short period are testimony to the level of support we have received from this community. MOU’s with the schools have been signed; the tutoring venue has been secured; office space is available and educators are ready and willing to render the required support. We are humbled by the warmth and cooperation received from the various community based stakeholders. 

It all began with a visit to the Rhodes University Community Engagement centre. Without their support in helping us navigate our way in a new environment it would have been a steeper climb. IkamvaYouth owes Di Hornby and her team a bucketful of gratitude.

Makhaza EwB Report

Makhaza EwB Report

Education Without Borders (EwB), a Canadian based organisation, aims to provide improved educational opportunities and facilities in disadvantaged regions of the world and highlights the simplicity of mathematics and emphasises the critical importance of foundational skills while acknowledging the complicated challenges and circumstances of life, which many of IkamvaYouth learners are coping with. EwB focuses on our Grade 8s as the program helps lower grade learners understand basic maths principles. The program was facilitated by Nicolas Mei and he has been with the learners since its inception in 2011. Below we share some of the results we have achieved this year.

1.Quantitative Impact of the EWB Program

20 learners started the EwB program at the beginning of 2012 in total, 2 were excluded because of poor attendance, 2 dropped out and the 16 is still doing well in the program. All the learners come from different schools across Khayelitsha.

2. Class Assessments

We have held 4 internal assessment tests, with one written each term based on the four books covered, including a revision test at the end of the year

The assessment tests results are shown below:

Average Book 1 & Book 2 vs. Term 1 & 2 Test Results Statistics

Figure 1: EWB learner term 1 & 2 math results and school grade aggregate result comparison.

Figure 1 shows some great results in learners school reports, gained after they have achieved good results in the internal test for the term after the completion of Book 1&2, which provided training for their June exams. For the majority of the class their tests scores covered by the books were significantly higher than the school results. 

 3. Book 3 vs. Term 3 Test Results Statistics

Figure 2: EWB learner term 3 math result and school grade aggregate result comparison.

Figure 2 shows some momentum by the EwB learners in their school results, gained after they achieved good results in the internal test for the term after completing Book 3. By this point the books are catching up with the work they are dealing with in class and the results show a significant increase not only in mathematics but in all other subjects as their confidence grows. 

4. Outstanding Learners

The learners who have participated throughout the year and attended regularly showed the greatest improvement and delivered results not only in math, but also in other academic areas. In some cases where we saw huge imprvements in math results or term averages, the learners were visibly more confident and focused on achieving an understanding of the subject. Learners that stood out even more were those that did not only have major leaps in their math results, but who also provided their peers with the necessary help to achieve.

These learners are wonderful examples of the excellence of the class and their results for the three terms are highlighted below.


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Learner 1





Learner 2





Learner 3






Table 2: EWB outstanding learners throughout the year.

These learners didn’t only achieve academically, they also received Ikamva Youth Best Attendance, Most Committed and Top Learner for achieving 95%+ attendance, for showing leadership and commitment in class.


Looking at the grade 9s of 2012, that took part in the  program, most of the learners scored 70% and above and 8 learners scroring a level 80% and above in the final exams. This shows the great impact and the good foundation that the program provides the learners. This is also very good for IkamvaYouth and our mission of getting more black learners into tertiary institutions and with the results that we currently have, we can foresee a bigger group of learners that will become the scientist, engineers and doctors we need in this country.

IkamvaYouth is very thankful to Education Without Borders for enabling us to implement the Math Yes We Can books for our Grade 8’s, and also for making a difference in the future of our youth. Special thanks to: Cecil and Ruth Hershler-funding provided through Education Without Borders, ‘Yes We Can’ math books writen by Dr Rahael Jalan and Nicholas Mei – Grade 8  facilitator.

Makhaza prize giving

Makhaza prize giving

The 1st of December marked world AIDS day, but it was also a day where we honoured our achievers for the hard work they have done during the year. The prize giving was well attended by learners, their families, partners and supporters and IY staff and they bore witness to the great work and sacrifice the learners made and how these sacrifices were converted into achievement. Most of the prizes that were given out were for academic achievement, but we also had prizes for attendance, learners need to be present 75% of the year, and in Makhaza more than 50% of our Ikamvanites had an average attendance of over 90%. This is a great feat as we have tutoring 5 days a week and this dedication just shows how special this programme is to the learners.

Other certificates included the most improved learner per grade, outstanding leadership, learner of the year voted by learners as well as tutors and the most committed learner per grade. 11 learners walked away with computers donated by Capitec, 18 learners received a prize of a day trip with Carl Palmer and others received stationary packs.  Our tutors also received certificates and were thanked for their efforts and the time they spent tutoring. The Khan Academy and Marion Walton from UCT also handed out certificates and prizes for the projects they ran during the year.

We would like to thank all our partners and supporters, especially Capitec, Numeric,  The University of Cape Town, Sinakho high school, Education Without Borders, Carl Palmer, Marion Walton, Andrew Einhorn, Ikapadata , Reel Lives, the Nazeema Isaacs library and staff.

Nyanga and Makhaza hold tutor appreciation

Nyanga and Makhaza hold tutor appreciation

Volunteers from Nyanga and Makhaza were treated to a fun day at Ratanga Junction on Saturday 8 December 2012. The occasion was the tutor appreciation, held twice each year to acknowledge our biggest donors, the tutors, who give so much of their valuable time to IY, and are the cornerstone of the work we do.

The tutors were joined by staff members, Shuvai, Asanda, Zukile, Brandon and Marion and everyone had a great time, getting onto dizzying and sometimes scary rides; all the while having a good time. Although tastes and preferences differed, there was general consensus that the Cobra, Ratanga’s popular roller coaster was a good ride, together with the water rides which got everyone soaking wet.  The tutors spoke about their plans for the holiday and gave assurances that they will be around to celebrate the Grade 12 results on the 3rd of January 2013. The day was one of great fun, much laughter, bonding and served as a great team-building exercise, as the volunteers and staff played and ate together.

A huge thank you to all our tutors and to Ratanga Junction for your support. 

Success breeds success

Success breeds success

The big number of parents that attended, showed the willingness and dedication these parents have for their children’s education.

At the meeting a number of issues were discussed with some of the more important issues being the role IkamvaYouth plays, attendance, the IY mission and vision, the benefits of being part of IY, report collection and tertiary placements for 2012 grade 12s.  The parents also spoke about their experiences of the program, the concerns they have and how all the different projects and tutoring plays a role in shaping the lives of their children. The parents were excited about what their children are doing at Ikamva Youth and also looked forward to reaping the rewards and sharing in the successes of their children.

Also part of the meeting was the tutors who had opportunity to voice their opinions, concerns and successes they had while tutoring this year.  One thing that stood out was the willingness of everyone present to make this program a success. One parent noted that this is one of the very few organisations that add value to her child as well as her life.  She said that education is key in fighting poverty and finding a way out of township life and thanked IkamvaYouth for accepting her child in the programme. A grade 12 parent noted that money is one of the biggest stumbling blocks that keep their children from going to university and through IkamvaYouth’s involvement and our endeavors in helping students get bursaries, paying the application and registration fees, we are helping to make their dreams a reality.

The success of our programme is directly linked to the involvement of parents and through the interaction at the meeting we realised that the future of this beautiful country is looking bright. There is a willingness of people everywhere to make a difference and once a vision is shared it becomes a reality. Success breeds success and this saying was proved at the meeting. If everyone plays their role, no matter how small and insignificant they might think it is, change is possible.

Nyanga computer lab, 2 months down the line

Nyanga computer lab, 2 months down the line

Nyanga branch continues to benefit from IY’s relationship with our partners and sponsors. In July this year, we shared on our Facebook group, that our computer lab was being installed . Today, barely 3months later, we sit beaming with pride and amazement at what the computer lab has enabled us to achieve in such a short space of time.  Our Grade 8s, 9s and 10s have each had 22 sessions of Khan Academy, a Maths tutoring program aimed at helping learners hone their Math skills and in our learners’ case, also get regular and ongoing exposure to computers. Our Grade 11s have had 7sessions of Operation Fikelela, our computer literacy program, facilitated by our dedicated volunteers.  All our Grade 8s, 9s and 10s each have their own email addresses and are excited to discover a world wider than their own, through the internet.

 A very special thank you to all our partners who have made this possible; Andrew Einhorn, the US Embassy and thePotter Foundation.  Your support is greatly appreciated here at Nyanga.

Lloyd Lungu

031 909 3590
2525 Ngcede Grove, Umlazi AA Library, 4031

Lloyd is a self-disciplined and highly goal-driven Industrial Psychology Honours graduate. He is currently a Master's candidate completing his second year of M.Com in Industrial Psychology at the University of the Free State. Lloyd joined IkamvaYouth as a learner in 2012, after matriculating he came back and volunteered as a tutor for the duration of his undergraduate studies at UKZN. He later worked as an Intern in the Chesterville branch. His passion for youth empowerment and inclusion has grown enormously through his time and experience gained within IkamvaYouth and has inspired him to provide career guidance to young township people. He is currently working at the Umlazi Branch as a Branch Assistant.