Hear from the Ikamvanites themselves:
Beauty Komone: “I grew up in an Ivory Park Township in a disadvantaged family of seven where no one including my three siblings (who are out of high school) have gotten into tertiary. Tutoring and other programmes that are run by IkamvaYouth have boosted my performance and the way I perceive life. I am now going to University to study IT.”
Benny Matlou: “IkamvaYouth is not just an educational organisation, it is also an organization of personal growth and empowerment, which takes youth through a journey of self-discovery where one gets to build their personal values and learn the importance of respect, loyalty, dedication and self-discipline. IkamvaYouth has truly lifted me off the ground to new and better heights.”
Jabulile Khoza: “IkamvaYouth went the extra mile by organising winter school, educational trips, career guidance events at the convenience of our branch. Another amazing thing that IkamvaYouth did for me, my life and my career was to link me with an amazing mentor who now is still awesome. It is a blessing and a huge privilege to be an Ikamvanite.”
Nokukhanya Mdlalose: “I would like to thank IkamvaYouth for helping me. Because of them I have achieved a bachelor pass and now have a chance to go to university.”
Mapule Molebatsi: “I joined IkamvaYouth in grade 10 and since then my marks have improved. I now have a bachelor pass and I know that if it was not for the help and encouragement of IkamvaYouth, I would have never gotten this far.”
Nereth Vuma: “IkamvaYouth gave me help that I couldn’t get anywhere else; they did it with willingness and encouragement. I am grateful for the help I have received from IkamvaYouth.”
Mrs Mpangane (Mother of Tiyiselani who achieved 7 distinctions): “Thank you IkamvaYouth, I hope you continue to do the same for other children this year, next year and many other years to come.”
Shelton Chadya (tutor): “I feel very, very happy because seeing these learners do better than we did, we can’t celebrate enough. Most of the learners are people that I tutored. Well done guys!”
Cheryl Nzama (IkamvaYouth Staff Member): “We are very excited about the results coming out of IkamvaYouth. The standards have been set and we hope that IkamvaYouth Mamelodi will achieve the same standards to give learners the best possible opportunities and education.”
Felicia Mpande (Grade 12 learner 2014): “IkamvaYouth assisted me greatly by exposing me to career workshops, computer literacy and creative expressions and has been a second home to me. Thank you for all the help you gave me.”

Township learners help each other achieve 82% pass rate, with 87% of those who passed eligible for tertiary study (51% bachelor and 36% diploma)

IkamvaYouth learners are celebrating great matric results; once again these township youth have achieved results that far surpass the national averages, showing that the odds can indeed be overcome. Matrics from nine branches across five provinces achieved an overall 82% pass rate, with 87% of those eligible for tertiary study (51% bachelor and 36% diploma).
The organisation is proud to achieve these results while scaling its reach; the class of 2014 (244 learners) saw a 63% growth in matric numbers from the previous year (153 learners). Two branches are celebrating excellent results for their inaugural matric cohorts: Joza in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, achieved an 85% pass with 89% of those eligible for tertiary, and Ikageng in the North West achieved an 84% pass with 95% of those eligible for tertiary studies. IkamvaYouth’s director Joy Olivier said: “I’d like to congratulate the ikamvanites on your incredible achievements. I would also like to thank all our staff, tutors, supporters and donors for the energy, commitment, love and support that makes this work possible.”
The class of 2014 are going on to study a range of important fields that will equip them with the skills they need to build South Africa, including medicine, speech and audiology, social work, biomedical science, town management, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and information technology to name just a few!
IkamvaYouth’s work with the class of 2014 is far from over. While many of those who passed have already been accepted by the country’s top universities, there is still work to be done to ensure that none of the class of 2014 become NEETs (not in education, employment or training). Most of the learners who did not pass are eligible for supplementary exams, and IkamvaYouth will be supporting these learners to ensure that they are well-prepared to clear this hurdle on the way to securing post-school opportunities.
IkamvaYouth has maintained a matric pass rate of between 82 and 100% each year since 2005, and true credit for these results must go to the learners, volunteers, the staff, partner organisations and donors. “IkamvaYouth would like to shout out particular thanks to IkamvaYouth’s five largest donors in 2014: Amalgamated Beverage Industries, Omidyar Network, Capitec Bank, the Stars Foundation and the TK Foundation. Without these and all of the other wonderful donors, these results would not be possible. We hugely appreciate your support and are looking forward to continuing to working with you in the years to come,” said chairperson Leigh Meinert.
For more information about IkamvaYouth, please refer to our 2013 Annual Report.
If you would like to donate to IkamvaYouth, please do so via Given Gain or Global Giving or contact alex@ikamvayouth.org.

Dear IkamvaYouth’s incredible tutors and mentors,
You are the key to IkamvaYouth’s success; you embody the spirit of IkamvaYouth and have proven that volunteerism is in fact sustainable and scalable.
Thank you for your inspiring dedication and for being a tremendous example to our learners, and the country at large.
Without you we would not be able to help as many learners as we do. We hugely appreciate the sacrifices you make when you give up your time to tutor, mentor or to help us in other ways.
We want to thank you with this message as our personal round of applause. The credit for our work rests with our dedicated volunteers:
It is you who inspire and enable our learners to achieve these amazing results. You guys are also our BIGGEST benefactors.
We hope to see you continue to lift as you rise and wish you all the very best in everything that you do.
Thank you!

The 2013 IkamvaYouth Annual Report highlights the remarkable achievements that we have made in 2013 by enabling disadvantaged youth to pull themselves and each other out of poverty with education.You can view the full annual report here but here are some of the highlights from 2013:
- 92% of our learners passed their matric (including supplementary exams); 62% achieved a bachelor pass (compared to 30.6% nationally) and 90% of our learners accessed a post school opportunity (tertiary, learnership or employment);
- The first survey of IkamvaYouth’s alumni was conducted. The findings were more encouraging than we could have hoped: IkamvaYouth learners are almost half as likely to drop out of tertiary studies, four times more likely to graduate and are three times less likely to not be in education or employment than the average South African young person.
- IkamvaYouth WON the Stars Award which exists to reward outstanding local organisations improving the lives of children in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. IkamvaYouth WON in the category of Education in Africa and the Middle East.
Thank you for taking the future into your hands, and to holding ours. Let’s keep reaching for the stars together.

©Neo Ntsoma/Majority World
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I.Y is all set for Mafikeng…….! Through negotiations with the Department of Education and Sports Development and funding partnership from ABI, we can finally reveal Danville Secondary as the host school.
The organizations eleventh branch nationally and the second one for the N.W province will start operating early 2015.This exciting announcement, made at the recent matrics prayer meeting,on the 23rd October 2014, is the culmination of hard work and dedication from all stakeholders.
Attended by ranking government officials, learners from local schools, parents, teachers and members of the community. The MEC challenged the current matrics to outperform the 2013 group, saying ““Parents and teachers have done their part, and it’s up to learners to do theirs. We trust and believe in you”.Interfaith leaders prayed for learners, showering them with strength to face even the most difficult papers.
The next steps is finding an experienced high level Branch Co-ordinator for Mafikeng, a social entrepreneur ready to take the ropes and fill the branch with learners and tutors. If you think you are ready to join the hardworking, high flying, dedicated, achieving against the odds and somewhat crazy IY team,click here;https://ikamvayouth.org.www518.jnb1.host-h.net/blog/2014/10/24/branch-coordinators-ikageng-and-mafikeng
Students from North West should look out for posters inviting them to contribute to their communities by tutoring on Saturdays. Volunteer tutors gain a wealth of experience in an office environment, learn project management skills, facilitate workshops and its’ a great opportunity to find balance and fulfillment within your community…………. Sign up for this awesome opportunity….!!!!
FROM LEFT: MR.D Huma- Ikamva Youth North West District Coordinator, MR. H Motara – District Director, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District, Ms.L Rampete -QLTC Provincial Coordinator, MR. B Monale -District Director,Ngaka Modiri Molema District and Ms. Z Shongwe – Ikamva Youth National Coordinator
National Student Financial Aid Scheme information session at Ikageng IY:
We were privileged to have Ms Cynthia Leshomo and Ntate Nkosaphantsi from N.W.U (North West University), bursary department. Our guests shared and clarified general bursary application processes, particularly the National Student Financial Aid Scheme with our Grade 12 learners.

Our ikamvanites were keen to find out how to qualify for NSFAS, do they need to apply each year or does a single application cover all three years of tertiary, does the financial aid cover all the student expenses or tuition? When does a learner have to pay back and what happens if there is a delay in gaining employment? Should the full amount of the financial aid be paid back? Armed with information, all the grade 12s saw NSFAS as a conduit to achieving their dreams and reaching their goals. All our matrics are completing the application process of financial support.

Twelve(12) learners have applied to North West University, 10-University of Johannesburg and Tshwane University of Technology received 7 applications, now that tertiary affordability has been addressed.
Ikamva Youth,Ikageng branch would like to thank Ms Cynthia and Ntate Nkosaphantsi from North West University for availing themselves and engaging our Grade 12’s Ikamvanites.