Some day we may be mining our landfills for the resources we’ve buried. A scary fact presented to the learners of IY’s Chesterville on their Operation Clean Up which was
held on the morning of Thursday, 28 June.
This was a new initiative piloting in Winter School in an aide to get our learners to give
back to the community that they’ve grown up in ( majority if our learners either attend
school within the Chesterville area and/or live within the area – or surroundings )
Durban Solid Waste and Ethekwini Municipality’s Parks and Recreation played a
major role in making this day possible. Thursdays activities started with the learners
taking a walk through the Education & Waste Minimisation Mobile Training Centre –
a bus which travels around various schools and communities within the municipalities
educating society about waste management and recycling through joint collaborations
between the municipality, Engen and the Association of Waste Management.

Mr Njebo, who is in KwaZulu Natal’s head office of Waste Management delivered a talk
about recycling and gave learners ideas on household waste they can recycle.
After all this, learners and tutors were separated into various groups and it was time to
walk around Chesterville to help clean up the community. DSW kindly sponsored gloves
as well as plastic bags which we would use to collect all the waste we found along our
Our first stop was the local hospice where learners cleaned outside the premises, the yard
and gardens. Thereafter we took a walk down towards the St Anthony’s Church’s mission amidst
the support and cheers of local community members.

Arriving at the mission, we were greeted by a Parks and Recreation truck which was
there to deliver the tools sponsored by the department which would be used to clean up
the yard.
Once again learners were separated into groups and cleaned around the yard of the
mission as well as clearing the yard of weeds.

Learners enjoyed clearing up the garden and we are looking forward to hopefully return
to plant a few vegetables for the abused and abandoned women and children which this
mission houses.
After our Operation Clean Up, Chesterville learners returned to DUT for academic
tutoring. At this time, Umlazi learners, who had started the morning in the classroom,
began their Operation Clean Up with a presentation from Zanele, from the DSW
education department. The presentation focused on various aspects such as awareness of
pollution, waste management, different disposal areas in KZN and what effect waste has
on the environment.
Zanele futher empasised the importance of “the 3 Rs” (Reduce, Re-use, Re-cycle), in
combating the negative impact waste has on the environment.
Another important aspect which they touched on was the illegal dumping of waste
especially by our households when they miss the scheduled time of the municipal truck
picking up waste in the neighborhood.
After the insightful presentation, learners were taken to the beach, not to swim, but to
give back to their environment, by cleaning up the litter in the area.

Having Joy Olivier ( co-founder of IkamvaYouth ) and Zamo Shongwe ( IY’s National Coordinator ) join
The clean-up was an added treat for the learners. The amount of litter collected in the
few minutes that the learners were there (just under 30 minutes) was a real eye opener.
Learners really got to see just how bad the issue of pollution on our beaches actually is.

We hope that this is the start of a great initiative and that learners will be able to use all
the knowledge that they gained about taking care of their environment, within their daily

IkamvaYouth’s 2011 Annual Report is out and available here for download!
Many thanks to our super-talented designer Lynne Stuart, to Julia de Kadt for proofreading, and to everyone who contributed stories, quotes and photos. We love it, and hope that all the readers will too!
Ikamvanites got through some really rough times in 2011: our office was petrol-bombed, a devastating fire in Masiphumelele destroyed 1000s of homes, and learners spent a week rioting after their classmate was badly injured while beaten at school. 2011 was also a year of tragic loss: three heroes (Mphumzi Klaas, Nomzamo Kali and Dave Eadie) all passed away before their time, but not before they’d each made significant contributions to IkamvaYouth and South Africa at large.
There were some good times too: 560 ikamvanites (learners & volunteers) spent their holidays at one of the five winter schools (hosted by TSiBA, UWC, Masi library, DUT and SEF), and 426 learners achieved more than 75% attendance, three times a week, through all four terms. 100 tutors regularly spent their spare time tutoring at the five branches. The ikamvanites’ hard work paid off: 99% of learners in grades 8-11 passed onto the next grade, and 85% of our matrics passed (41% Bachelor, 39% Diploma passes). 69% of matriculants are at tertiary institutions, and 9% are in learnerships and/or employment.
IkamvaYouth’s track record of impressive results has led to some important and exciting attention. We were visited by the Minister of Basic Education (twice!) and mentioned in her budget speech; the Duchess of Cornwall popped in, and Jonathan Jansen inspired our learners at the Masi branch. We were featured in national media including Business Day, SAFM and SABC2 and MNet, made our own Live magazine, went to Slovenia and won a bunch of awards.
A key organisational objective for 2011 was consolidation, and despite the challenges, we’ve managed to achieve this; thanks to the support from our visionary donors. We ran our first-ever national strategic planning week (when many of us met the colleagues with whom we collaborate online on a daily basis in person for the first time); open-sourced our model through the ikamvanitezone (where you’ll find shared information and resources, how-to guides, tools & templates); had an independent evaluation conducted by Servaas van der Berg and his team of education economists, and grew our team.
Over the past year, IkamvaYouth has received 28 requests from communities in all provinces to establish more branches. And after our year of heads-down consolidation, we’re ready to step up and respond. 2012 has seen two new branches established: African- Bank-funded Ivory Park and ABI-funded Umlazi. Next on the horizon are Grahamstown and another two Gauteng branches. We’ve also begun thinking about ways to generate income and sustainably scale expansively, without entirely relying on donor funding in the future.
Ultimately though, IkamvaYouth’s sustainability lies with the ikamvanites. During our first few years, people would often tell us sagely that “initiatives that rely completely on volunteers aren’t sustainable”. We don’t get that anymore. And indeed, ikamvanites have shown that not only is the model sustainable due to the learners becoming tutors, and the tutors being so committed, but that volunteers produce results in contexts where few can.
We invite you to get involved in whatever way, and be a part of the change we need in many more communities throughout the country.
We hope you’ll enjoy the 2011 Annual Report multi-media experience we’ve curated for you, and make the most of the hyperlinks providing detail behind the headlines to youtube clips, blog posts and reports.
Thanks again to every indivdual who played your part in enabling all that was achieved and overcome in 2011, and to those who’re boosting us to ramp it up for 2012!
The hallway was buzzing and excitement filled the air as learners from Umlazi and Chesterville branches gathered outside Durban University of Technology’s ( DUT) passages of the library basements.
It was a mixture of old and new learners as well as old and new tutors all waiting in anticipation for the official start of Winter School. With the first half of the day dedicated to academic/tutoring activies and the latter to activities, fun and learning were definitely on the cards for the week.
This was the perfect opportunity to introduce our Reading Corner initiative, the brainchild of our Branch Assistant Cheryl Nzama. Having collected books from friends as well as a generous loan by the Umlazi AA Library ( where IY Umlazi is based ) we had a large box of books to spread amongst all learners from both branches. The aim of our book corner is not only to get learners interested in reading but also to enhance their English reading and writing skills.

Tuesday saw the arrival of the Answer Series books which IY learners over the years have used during Homework and Saturday Sessions as well as for preparation for exams. All this is possible through the kind sponsorship of The Answer , who provide these study guides for all our learners across the grades.

A lot of Grade 11 IY learners count Wednesday as their favourite day week 1. This is because Durban University of Technology‘s Chemistry lab ( through the assistance of senior Lecturer and Lab Assistant Mr Roy Nursagh donated half of the morning ( and some of their staff members ) towards doing various Chemistry practicals with learners – a great fete as most learners are in schools who are not equipped with Chemistry labs and only depend on their textbooks to study. Learners had the chance to do four different experiments as well as watch a presentation by Mr Roy for two other experiments.

The two branches went their separate ways on Thursday for Operation Clean Up, an initiative aimed at encouraging environmental awareness and offering the learners an opportunity to back to their environment . Early in the morning Chesterville learners met up at the Vuyani Nkosi Memorial Centre where IY Chesterville is based and cleaned up the Chesterville Hospice, the main road ( Mahlathi Road ) as well as the St Anthony’s Church’s Mission which houses old aged as well as abused women and children.

Through the assistance of Chesterville’s Area Based Management ( ABM ), Durban Solid Waste ( DSW ) donated plastics, gloves as well as an Environmental Bus and guest speaker for the event was Mr Njeba while Ethekwini Municipality’s Parks, Recreation and Culture donated tools used to clean up the yard. Both companies were also kind enough to sponsor 2 trucks and 4 municipal workers that picked up the litter collected by learners as well as the rubble from the mission.

Friday, learners were combined and then separated into 4 groups : Yellow, Green, Blue and Red which were The Peacemakers, Ingqungqulu, Blue Bullz and Umlilo respectively.

This was for our set to be annual event : Sports Day, an idea brought about by our Umlazi Branch Coordinator S’bonelo Cele.

Various games such as Soccer, Netball as well as 100m, 400m and 400m Relay races and indigenous games such as Hopscotch, Amagende, Sprite and uShumpu were played and saw The Peacemakers ( Yellow ) walk away as the official winners of the event having collected the most points. ABI were the proud sponsors of this event which they also dubbed their CSI Day. Read more about the day here.
Winter school snuck up on us this year, and not in an unassuming king of way, kind of when a loud bang goes off next to you when you least expecting it kind of way Yes… just like that!
160 learners, 40 tutors, 3 busses and loads of enthusiasm, excitement and passion charged their way down the N2 to UCT Middle Campus for 10 days of learning, discovering and fun.
It’s hard to believe what we work so hard to plan for months before all ends seemingly faster than when it began! And with SO many amazing workshops, challenging tutoring times and passion from all the volunteers and learners it’s hard to give an overview of what happened this year, but I’ll try!
– Grade 11 and 12 chemistry workshops in the UCT Chemistry Labs – facilitated by Thobela Bixa, check out his incredible achievement here

– Tutoring for all the grades working through past exam papers and Answer Series books. With over 40 volunteers we achieved a ratio today of 1:4 learners per tutor! Talk about an intense time!

– PSH (Peers in Sexual Health) ran self-awareness workshops, while Sunstep got involved making alarms and facilitating other experiments with physics students.
– Rose, a volunteer from Stanford is working this week on a photography workshop, while other students got involved in deep debate.
– Andreas and his team from ERM, and Matthew from Cape Leopard Trust made sure the students got to grips with our environment, learning about how to make their immediate environment more sustainable, going for walks in Tokai forest finding a few wild animals along the way..
– Capitec ran some financial literacy training workshops, have a read about how they went here
– Nadia ran a very creative workshop where learners molded their own pots from clay (a little messy, a LOT of fun)

– Nkuli and the guys from Live Magazine were back this year for some photo shoot action, as well as creating content for their YouTube channel

– South African Astronomical Observatory ran workshops about what’s happening in our solar system, while the week ended off with Joy from UCT Wellness Centre putting our students through their dramatic paces presenting various health issues
Not to forget while this is all happening the Grade 11 & 12 students all ran through Operation Fikelela, a computer literacy program, while tutors set projects, homework and feedback sessions for all the grades.
Tuesday (26 June) in the first week also marked the one-year anniversary of the passing of Mphumzi Klaas, our friend, our confidant and a huge part of the Makhaza branch. We began the very emotional day with a very moving memorial service with a few people speaking, a video being show and most poignantly the choir singing moving the room to fresh tears as if one year ago was yesterday. And while the Ikamvanites once again balance grieving and all the madness that winter school brings, they did this instead of with incredible sadness and heavy hearts, but with a spirit of tenacity and perseverance they threw themselves into tutoring and workshops, with a renewed commitment to making this the best winter school possible, to show that through adversity and sadness, good can come, that people when united can make the impossible happen.
WOW! With so much happening, the biggest winter school IY has ever had finished with bang, and almost as fast as it arrived it was all over, classrooms packed up and cleaned, busses full to bursting on a day with some of the biggest downpour Cape Town has seen this winter, I can only begin to think of all the fun and excitement we can expect next year! Only after a loooooooooooong rest though…
A huge Huge HUUUUUGE thanks to ALL the workshop facilitators, tutors and learners – Your passion, commitment, excitement and leadership shown over these two weeks make this one of the best winter schools ever! Also to Lolita, Deidre and all that UCT for availing the space to us, BIG UP!!!

“These trips made realise how broad the study of nature is”
Afika Mabali, Grade 9
Makhaza has the incredible fortune of having some amazing workshop partners who take our learners all over the province. One such person is Dr. Carl Palmer who throughout his long history in association with Makhaza opened up spaces on various trips around the province, along with students from the ACCESS (Applied Centre for Climatic &Earth Systems Science) programmes.
Two trips this term saw 10 students make their way to the Fossil Park near Langebaan, a place of well-preserved remains of fossil fauna that date to circa 5.2 million years ago and include bones of over 200 different animal species. This trip was a time for our leaner representatives to bond, Luxhase, our Grade 8 rep said “I really enjoyed myself. It was so much fun, I didn’t know much about the history of Fossil Park but trust me now I can tell a lot about it. I am still surprised about the existence of bones on earth. I wouldn’t mind to going there again!”, while Siphokazi, one of Grade 9 reps said “I was so excited about the trip, the most fascinating part for me was the existence of bones for so many years. I cannot believe it, 5 million years ago but we can still see them and identify what they are! Another thing I enjoyed was the beach, even though the winter has started in Cape Town, I never get a chance to go to the beach. Thank You Carl!!”

The second trip was for 10 of the best attending and most improved grade 8 & 9s who met bright and early at the cable car for a long walk up Table Mountain. Phiwe Maliti one of the grade 8 learner said, “The Table mountain trip was fun, I climbed the mountain for the first time in my entire life. Even though it was hard to climb I eventually reached the top! “
Noluntu Marenene said, “I enjoyed the climbing of the mountain. I learnt that when you climb the mountain, the body temperature increases. Also I didn’t know that there are animals that live in Table Mountain such as snakes. The most exciting part was finally reaching the top, it was a great accomplishment. I would love to go there again. Thanks so much!!”
Big Thanks to Dr Carl Palmer and the ACCESS program for their continued support for our Makhaza branch

On the weekend of the 19th of May, Grade 11 and 12 learners attended the Open Day at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). They went to the different faculties, accompanied by their dedicated volunteers. The learners discovered various career choices which many had never heard of and found to be of interest. The experience was both eye opening and exciting for the Nyanganites.

Noluvuyo, a Grade 12 learner said, “The trip was amazing; I now know what I’d like to do next year and I’m so excited that I meet the minimum requirements for the course”. The learners were impressed by the good organisation of the Open Day, and appreciated getting access to information on the different courses offered by CPUT. They also got application forms for study next year. Nandipha, another Grade 12 learner said, “I learnt that I must not choose a career because it is paying more but rather first look at my personality and see whether I’ll be happy with my choice in the near future”. “The exhibitors were very helpful and explained each course thoroughly” added Nomathamsanqa, a Grade 12 learner from Mandela High School. The future is definitely bright for the Ikamvanites, as they have been motivated once again, to achieve excellent results and so meet the requirements to get into university.