Send a shout out loud to our matrics class of 2010
Last Sarturday tutorial session , our tutors stood infront of everybody to share their personal experiences moments before the exams and shared the most encouraging and motivating words to our matric class of 2010 – Take exams as just another...
Two New Volunteers
Ikamva has two new volunteers from a Global Exchange Program run by the British Council. Francisco Armenta is a young graphic designer that works with a HIV testing agency and uses media to inform the public about HIV and AIDS. Francisco Armenta is currently one of...
Ivory Park Branch hosted Dr Becky of CIHM
IkamvaYouth and SiyakhulaComputerSchool hosted guests from LeedsUniversityBusinessSchool (CIHM) The University of Leeds Centre for Innovation in Health Management (CIHM) is pioneering innovation in health and public service...
Giving credit where due – Ikamvanites honoured for their commitment
Wits Volunteers Programme - giving credit where it is due Wits Volunteers programme honoured with certificates students that are making the institution proud in the nation building projects in and around Johannesburg. ...
When learning meets acting
Saturday the 18th of September 2010 was dedicated to a 3 hours cleanup on Long Beach in Noordhoek. 12 learners from the Masiphumelele branch, fully equipped with yellow bags, have been tracking abandoned rubbishes from human activities. Last...
SPW Report Launched!
As the regular followers of our blog will know, IkamvaYouth’s national committee met for a full week at the Grail Centre to reflect on the last 12 months, plan for the next, and share our skills, knowledge, and experience. Thanks to Marie...
How does poverty perpetuate poverty? How can the youth break the cycle?
Some people come from poor families and because of that they have to leave school and find jobs to support their families at an early age. when you leave school at an early age the is no way you can find a good job so that means you wont get out of poverty you are...
Whats in the bones – Ikamvanites visits Sci-Bono
Sci-Bono – the largest science centre in Southern Africa, opened its arms and dug deep into their pockets to give Ikamvanites the unforgettable lessons of their lives. Free transport, tour to the centre, visit to Palaeo Sciences at Wits...
Schneider-Electric light up young minds
A very big THANK YOU to Schneider-Electric - the global energy specialists - from a very excited group of Ivory Park Ikamvanites as staff from Schneider-Electric spent the afternoon with our learners and awarded awesome gifts to our top attending...
IkamvaYouth’s Self-Selection Admission Process
Given IkamvaYouth's learner's consistently high achievement, we're often asked about our learner selection process; the quick answer is that our learners select themselves. This approach is based on our organisational values (i.e. equal access to...
Personal Goal Setting in Ivory Park
At last... we've been threatening for a while to step up the non-academic aspect of Ivory Park's Saturday IkamvaYouth sessions and we were able to take our first step in this direction on Saturday as Danny Naidoo led the learners through one of the fundamental...
My first Strategic Planning Workshop for IkamvaYouth
Before I attended my first Strategic Planning Workshop for IkamvaYouth, I was kinda apprehensive, not knowing what kind of people to expect...it only took a fraction of a second to realise that Ikamvanites from other provinces are such open minded...
SPW Catches a Vision
Our Vision for South Africa Our SPW particiapnts were asked about their visions for this country and asked to complete the sentence... "A South Africa where..." Phil: where knowledge is a matter of choice irrespective of class race or discrimination but it...
Let tech-love rule!
The exciting thing about working for an organisation that is for youth and by youth is that you can experiment with technology and come up with innovative ways to make machines work for your benefit. IkamvaYouth has been working on IkamvaYouth-in-a-box...
Learner progress based on attendance
It would be trite to state that South Africa’s education system needs an overhaul. Although Kwazulu Natal was the only province to improve on its matric results in 2009, on a closer look, the result is still very bleak for black learners from under...
SPW – We are marching in the light of money!! $
Cash-flow, budgets, slips, invoices, quotes, vouchers,... were our daily concern. And now will be yours too!! We started the day by looking at the internal controls to help us align objectives and understand the importance of good financial...
SPW – let’s beef it UP!
So. What do you get when you take 13 committed Ikamvanites from 3 provinces, bundle them into trains, planes and automobiles and ship them all the way to Kleinmond's beautiful Grail Centre for a jam-packed week's worth of crystalizing the big picture vision for...
At what price?
If you would like to read IkamvaYouth's official response to the public servant's strike then click here - because this isn't it. This is, instead, some personal reflections with some mixed-animal-based-metaphors on the current schooling situation that may or may not...
IkamvaYouth KZN would like to thank The Answer Series for the donation of books towards our learners. These books have been really useful especially since the public sector strike began two weeks ago. Our learners have been using the books to practice and learn while...
Nyanga Ikamvanites go to Encounters Film Festival
This past Saturday the fifteen students that had the highest percentage of attendance had an excursion to watch Turn It Loose. Turn It Loose is one of the many great films that is now playing in the Nu Metro theater at the Waterfront in the Encounters Film...