Fantastic opportunity!
My name is Sesethu Nika, doing my 1st year at UCT
I joined Ikamva Youth (Makhaza Branch) in the year 2012 while doing grade 11. A friend of mine brought Ikamva to my attention so I decided to apply. Luckily for me I got accepted. Joining Ikamva was the most helpful decision for my academic life.
Even though I was an average learner, I needed an environment that would allow me to reach my fullest potential and Ikamva Youth provided me with that platform. Not only did I get great assistance with my academics but I also got a chance to make new friends and meet phenomenal and inspirational people.
Attending the career exhibitions with my fellow Ikamvanites helped me a lot. I got to see what my strength and weaknesses are in order for me to choose the career path that was most suitable for me. I also got involved in the Ikamva Youth Debate Club which helped increase my confidence levels and public speaking skills. Ikamva prepared me for the big bad world.
With all of the assistance, positive energy, encouragement and inspiration from both tutors and learners, I was aspired to work harder and achieve my best. Because of my matric results I was accepted at UWC and UCT and decided to take the UCT offer.
I am currently a student at UCT doing a degree in BSocSci majoring in Environmental and Geographical Science as well as Public policy Administration. Life at university is not all roses. It is quite demanding and needs someone who is focused and knows what they want to achieve in life. Having independence is wonderful and helps one find their feet and be able to stand on their own. Unlike high school where one can depend on educators, university is a totally different story.
Getting to university is not a walk in the park and completing a degree is even more challenging. One has to know what they want in life, they has to be hungry for education. Having education is the sharpest weapon that one can use to fight against poverty, crime, unemployment, ignorance and all other forces that are preventing people from reaching success.
Like all Ikamvanites would say “Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu”..
IkamvaYouth Gauteng branches, Ebony and Ivory Park, attended the University of Johannesburg Open Day sponsored by ABI on the 30th of July. On the day, ABI organized luxury busses and breakfast to start the day. Both branches decided to gather at Ebony Park to embark on a journey to the University of Johannesburg. A total number of 90 learners and ABI representatives all came to support the event.
Upon arrival, Ikamvanites were given a pack of goodies that included a booklet, map, mineral water and a name tag. All the schools who came for the event were taken in groups for a campus tour to familiarise themselves with the institution. Learners were advised to visit each and every exhibitor that included the sport department, arts and culture, community engagement, language unit, library, PsyCaD, student finance, residences and the student enrolment centre. Exhibition opened at 1pm and schools were welcomed into the auditorium at 2:30pm for a motivational talk from Mr Van Reinsburg. During the motivational talk, learners were told about the importance of getting good results in grade 11 and 12 final exams. Every learner who attended the open day went to the photo boxes to take photos with their friends and the PsyCaD assessment where they had to take an online career assessment that assists them with career analysis and direction. The exhibitors gave learners the necessary information and answers they needed to hear about the programs they wish to pursue with the institution in future. On the day, learners went to the student enrolment centre to apply online for free and also to check their admission statuses if they applied earlier.
The University also mentioned that learners must not obtain 40-49% as their highest mark, rather have 40 to 46 points which will include a 50 and 100% discount on their study fees respectively. The day was filled with encouragements from lectures and fellow students to the learners about the importance of doing well in their studies.
Later, learners were taken out to have lunch provided by ABI. The excitement of being part of an open day was an awesome opportunity to the learners who had never attended one. A young lady by the name of Nomthandazo Nembe from Ebony Park had this to say “this is the best experience I’ve ever had, now I know what I need to do and be also part of this beautiful institution and that is to work hard on my studies. Thanks to IkamvaYouth and ABI for organizing this day, I will forever cherish this moment”.
The day ended with learners taking photos with ABI representatives before they returned to the branch were they met the founder and director of IkamvaYouth Miss Joy Olivier, who advised them to work hard on their studies to have a brighter future.
IkamvaYouth would like to thank its sponsor ABI for making this day a memorable one.
Each year, Mail and Guardian selects 200 young South African leaders that they identify as playing an important role on South Africa’s future. The Mail & Guardian, through its 200 Young South Africans project, paints a picture of where South Africa is going as a country. The people selected each year come from across all sections of society and epitomize the best that South Africa has to offer.
Nyasha Zvomuya has been identified as one of these 200 Young South African’s for 2014 under the category of Education for her work in the education revolution in South Africa. We are proud to have our very own Ikamvanite being showcased for impacting education through the work they are doing at IkamvaYouth.
This shows us all that vision 2030 can truly be a reality and that through hard work, we can surely reach the stars!
Congratulations Nyasha!
It wasn’t too long ago that women were barred from political, legal and economic rights. Thankfully, many positive strides have been made to empower women and African women have become an economic force to be reckoned with.
Joy Olivier, the founder and director of IkamvaYouth, was nominated as a finalist in The Most Influential Woman in Business and Government award. There were 9000 nominations from 31 African countries showing how popular this award is throughout Africa. Recently, she was eventually handed the award of the Most influential Woman in South Africa and the SADC region in the category of Welfare and Civil Society Organisations.
The whole event organised by CEO Communications recognises Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government and aims to sustainably celebrate and uplift women who are making a contribution to their communities and economies across the African continent. These awards were seeking someone who is not just doing their job but also someone who is a role model. Their initiatives have evolved into the Most Influential Women in Business and Government programme, which has been recognised over the course of several years as the pre-eminent recognition platform for women.
We applaud Joy for such an amazing achievement. Keep up the great work Joy! IkamvaYouth and Africa celebrates with you!
031 909 3590
2525 Ngcede Grove, Umlazi AA Library, 4031
Lloyd is a self-disciplined and highly goal-driven Industrial Psychology Honours graduate. He is currently a Master's candidate completing his second year of M.Com in Industrial Psychology at the University of the Free State. Lloyd joined IkamvaYouth as a learner in 2012, after matriculating he came back and volunteered as a tutor for the duration of his undergraduate studies at UKZN. He later worked as an Intern in the Chesterville branch. His passion for youth empowerment and inclusion has grown enormously through his time and experience gained within IkamvaYouth and has inspired him to provide career guidance to young township people. He is currently working at the Umlazi Branch as a Branch Assistant.