Media Image and Expression

Ikageng branch formed their first Branch Com during this year’s SPW in April. One of the mandates for this year’s Branch Com was to ensure that the branch implements all the programmes forming part of the IY Model. To ensure this, Branch Com members heading these programmes were to ensure that they plan and execute different activities for their portfolios during the course of the year.  Following this, a Media Committee was formed during Winter School, under the Media, Image and Expression Portfolio. The Media Committee was formed by learners who were interested to take care of the media coverage of the Winter School.  The Committee produced photos, video recordings and written reports of all activities and events during the Winter School.

From this initiative, the branch saw a need to develop the skills  and further empower and guide them to broader career and recreational opportunities.  The branch approached one of the producer at the local radio station- Ms Kgalalelo Sennano, to guide and provide support to these talented Ikamavanites. After just one meeting with her, Ms Kgalalelo enthusiastically agreed to facilitate a series of workshops for our Media Committee. These workshops  aims to:

  • Provide knowledge and information
  • Encourage them  to explore career opportunities in media
  • Use media to address the social issues faced both by the community and youth in general
  • Use media as an educational resource as well as a tool for expression.

Our Media Workshops run over 11 Saturdays, starting from the 13th of  September 2014 to the 6th of December 2014. With these workshops,  we hope to build more fruitful relationships with the radio station and other local media houses to empower our youth and give back to our community.hipp

IY Ikageng Hosts a NSFAS Information Session

IY Ikageng Hosts a NSFAS Information Session

National Student Financial Aid Scheme information session at Ikageng IY:

We were privileged to have Ms Cynthia Leshomo and Ntate Nkosaphantsi from N.W.U (North  West University), bursary department. Our guests shared and clarified general bursary application processes, particularly the National Student Financial Aid Scheme with our Grade 12 learners.

Our ikamvanites were keen to find out how to qualify for NSFAS, do they need to apply each year or does a single application cover all three years of tertiary, does the financial aid cover all the student expenses or tuition? When does a learner have to pay back and what happens if there is a delay in gaining employment? Should the full amount of the financial aid be paid back?   Armed with information, all the grade 12s saw NSFAS as a conduit to achieving their dreams and reaching their goals. All our matrics are completing the application process of financial support.

Twelve(12) learners have applied to North West University,  10-University of Johannesburg and Tshwane University of Technology received 7 applications, now that tertiary affordability has been addressed.

Ikamva Youth,Ikageng branch would like to thank Ms Cynthia and Ntate Nkosaphantsi from North West University for availing themselves and engaging our Grade 12’s Ikamvanites.

IkamvaYouth Ikageng -Grade 12 Learners’ and Parents’ Meeting

IkamvaYouth Ikageng -Grade 12 Learners’ and Parents’ Meeting

“It takes a village to raise a child” African Proverb

The Ikageng branch held a Grade 12 learners and parent meeting on the 30th August 2014 at our tutoring venue, Thembalidansi Primary School. The aim of the meeting was to discuss Grade 12 learner challenges and jointly formulate solutions to address their issues.

Our learners mentioned the a lack of clarity of the role of the parent with applications  curriculum gaps created chapters not thoroughly covered at school, learner time management, low self-esteem due to personal circumstances as part of the challenges they are faced with. The parents, learners, tutors and staff discussed the challenges and some of the solutions were the following;


–         Parents understand they need to part of each decision made by learners, from choosing careers to retrieving reports from schools. The branch will introduce motivational video “ice breakers” every Saturday to keep learners motivated…..WATCH THIS SPACE..!!!

We held an Interview with one of our Ikamvanite parents: M.s  S.M Makale , parent of Lerato Makale-  2014 IY Matriculant, to understand her views of the Grade 12 learners and parents meeting. 

Q: How does it feel knowing that you child is part of the first group of Ikageng matrics?

A: I am happy that my daughter is part of Ikamva Youth, there is an improvement in her school ethic and I will give her more support.

Q : Todays  meeting, your thoughts..?

A : tutors, you guys are doing a great job and your presence is a motivation to our children to excel in schoolwork. As parents, we should take initiative and interest in our children’s studies,  by supporting them in whichever way we can.

IY Learners and Parents Working Together to Address the Challenges Faced by  Grade 12’s

IY Learners and Parents Working Together to Address the Challenges Faced by Grade 12’s

The Ikageng branch held a Grade 12 learners and parent meeting on the 30th August 2014 at our tutoring venue, Thembalidansi Primary School. The aim of the meeting was to discuss Grade 12 learner challenges and jointly formulate solutions to address their issues.

Our learners mentioned the a lack of clarity of the role of the parent with applications  curriculum gaps created chapters not thoroughly covered at school, learner time management, low self-esteem due to personal circumstances as part of the challenges they are faced with. The parents, learners, tutors and staff discussed the challenges and some of the solutions were the following;

–         Parents understand they need to part of each decision made by learners, from choosing careers to retrieving reports from schools. The branch will introduce motivational video “ice breakers” every Saturday to keep learners motivated…..WATCH THIS SPACE..!!!

We held an Interview with one of our Ikamvanite parents: M.s  S.M Makale , parent of Lerato Makale-  2014 IY Matriculant, to understand her views of the Grade 12 learners and parents meeting.

Q: How does it feel knowing that you child is part of the first group of Ikageng matrics?

A: I am happy that my daughter is part of Ikamva Youth, there is an improvement in her school ethic and I will give her more support.

Q : Todays  meeting, your thoughts..?

A : tutors, you guys are doing a great job and your presence is a motivation to our children to excel in schoolwork. As parents, we should take initiative and interest in our children’s studies,  by supporting them in whichever way we can.





IY Ikageng Talent Show

IY Ikageng Talent Show

Ikamva youth winter school talent show 2014

“Appreciation can make a day even change a life and a tiny drop of chemical makes an enormous difference.” Unknown

IY believes in making learning fun and providing a friendly environment of learning. We acknowledge that in order for the youth to excel at school, they also need to lead balanced lives in order to function well. Thus we give learners a platform to show case and embrace their artistic skills and talents during the annual winter school programme.

This year it was no exception, the Winter School’s Talent Show was filled with talented presentations in genres ranging from dance, singing, acapella & beat box, poetry, rap, drama to a mix of all these. The acts were both entertaining and educational as they covered themes such as teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse, rape, issues of sexuality & making informed choices and motivation. These were presented  with all sorts of props such as face paints and furnitures. The show was well received, and Ikamvanites were excited about this opportunity. Mr Sipho Dee, from the branch’s sponsor- ABI, was also part of the audience.






The tutors also participated by assisting the leaners choreography and to put these acts together. The panel of judges consisted of tutors and were evaluated the acts based on originality, choice of act,  presentation, talent, appropriate costume, audience reception and entertainment value. The participants were awarded for best performed act, best dance performance, best male singer, best female singer and best spoken word (poetry and rap genre) performance.



Lloyd Lungu

031 909 3590
2525 Ngcede Grove, Umlazi AA Library, 4031

Lloyd is a self-disciplined and highly goal-driven Industrial Psychology Honours graduate. He is currently a Master's candidate completing his second year of M.Com in Industrial Psychology at the University of the Free State. Lloyd joined IkamvaYouth as a learner in 2012, after matriculating he came back and volunteered as a tutor for the duration of his undergraduate studies at UKZN. He later worked as an Intern in the Chesterville branch. His passion for youth empowerment and inclusion has grown enormously through his time and experience gained within IkamvaYouth and has inspired him to provide career guidance to young township people. He is currently working at the Umlazi Branch as a Branch Assistant.