IkamvaYouth Learners Embody The Spirit of Youth with The Gordon Institute of Business Science

IkamvaYouth Learners Embody The Spirit of Youth with The Gordon Institute of Business Science

By: Damien Buckton, Fundraising Officer

In August we successfully concluded The Spirit of Youth Programme which was organised by The Gordon Institute of Business Science in partnership with IkamvaYouth. There were a total of 180 Grade 11 learners from the Western Cape and Gauteng who partook in the exciting, interactive leadership programme. IkamvaYouth learners jumped at the chance to participate in this six-month programme which kicked-off in March earlier this year and consisted of a total of eight enriching Saturday sessions. The Spirit of Youth Programme focused on the following aims: 

  • The development of leadership skills
  • Creating active citizens
  • Identifying challenges and opportunities on the African continent
  • Utilising social innovation and entrepreneurship to develop effective solutions
  • Personal Growth, by enhancing self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset, cultivating innovative thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Collaboration and Networking

The programme was specifically designed to nurture the talent of young leaders, assist them in developing a better understanding of the South African context and the existing potential in South Africa. It provided learners the platform to build pivotal networks with their peers, think critically about the impact of their choices; and further develop a sense of their own agency to affect the changes they desire. Brian, a learner and participant, reflected on the impact of the experience:  

“The Spirit of Youth programme redefined my understanding of leadership, teaching me that true power lies in empowering others. I now strive to inspire and mobilise my peers to drive positive change. The programme awakened my inner leader, equipping me with the skills and confidence to tackle complex social issues and make a meaningful impact in my community.”

Learners not only developed their leadership skills and were moulded into future leaders, but also enjoyed the opportunity for fun games and team-building activities with their peers. A culmination of these programmatic factors supports the holistic development of these young people. Amelia, another participant, highlighted the importance of connecting with with her fellow peers:

“Being surrounded by like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds sparked a sense of collective responsibility. I’m now driven to collaborate with others to address social and economic challenges in my community. I’m committed to leveraging my skills and network to drive progress toward a more equitable and sustainable future.”

It was not only the learners who benefitted from the programme but also the tutors who found it to be an enriching time as they gained facilitation experience, immersed themselves in the learning materials and felt inspired as they engaged with committed learners. The programme concluded in August with a celebratory graduation ceremony, acknowledging the achievements of the learners, tutors and staff who participated in the programme. Thank you so much to The Gordon Institute of Business Science for partnering with IkamvaYouth and for investing in our future leaders!

Celebrating the 2023 Matric Class!

Celebrating the 2023 Matric Class!

IkamvaYouth Gauteng and North West branches celebrate 86% pass rate in the 2023 National Senior Certificate Matric results

Nationally, IkamvaYouth celebrates its 21st anniversary with great matric results, obtaining a 89% pass rate marking a notable 5% improvement compared to the 2022 results. The IkamvaYouth Gauteng and North West branches achieved an impressive 86% pass rate, with 41 distinctions, 64% Bachelor Passes and Diploma Pass. The Diepsloot branch obtained a stellar 100% pass rate; overall the regional results underscore the hard work and dedication of our learners, tutors, stakeholders and IkamvaYouth team, firmly placing IkamvaYouth at the forefront of academic success.

This matric cohort conquered load-shedding and the Covid-19 pandemic leading to receiving their results, this marks two decades of IkamvaYouth’s unwavering commitment and the success of our formidable tutoring model in assisting young people gain access to quality education, skills development, and employment.

Below are the achievements of each branch in the Gauteng and North West region:

  • Diepsloot branch achieved a stellar 100% pass rate with 79% bachelor passes and 17% diplomas, and 96% tertiary eligibility
  • Ikageng branch obtained an excellent 92% pass rate with 25% bachelor passes and 52% diplomas, and 77% tertiary eligibility
  • Ivory Park celebrated its 90% pass rate which is a vast improvement from its 2022 achievement of 70% pass rate
  • Mamelodi obtained 87%; Ebony Park at 81%, while Mahikeng achieved a 67% pass rate.


The Diepsloot branch’s top performing learner, Elisa Macamo, from Diepsloot Combined Secondary School gave some insight into how she became part of IY and her schooling journey in light of the challenges faced:

“Three of my friends were part of the IY programme already, and I was spotted by one of the IY tutors who was concerned about me not being on the tutoring programme. He facilitated my application into the programme. Ever since I joined the programme, my self-esteem improved along with my academic results. Today I have achieved a Bachelors pass with 5 distinctions, I am now ready to start my medicine career to meet my Dermatologist destiny. Through the peer-support system and all the excursions I attended at IkamvaYouth, I met a lot of study buddies – since then I have discovered a lot about myself, especially my ability to build positive relationships with diverse individuals and groups”.


Further than academic proficiency, IkamvaYouth remains dedicated to shaping young people into leaders with critical skills necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

  • Ntombi Mahlangu, IkamvaYouth District Manager, Gauteng and The North West


The class of 2023, overcoming obstacles to prevail

The 2023 academic year saw IkamvaYouth learners in the Western Cape badly affected by taxi violence as it prevented our staff and tutors from offering quality tutoring to learners. However, the region was able to develop catch up plans for learners working very close with schools. 


In addition to the taxi violence, the load-shedding forced the matriculants to constantly review their study time-table. The negative impact of load-shedding cannot be overlooked as it affects learners in many ways including mentally. The class of matriculants should be applauded for showing signs of resilience despite challenges they encountered on the road to matric. 


The intense tutoring programme has once again yielded positive results for the Western Cape region, with the six branches achieving an overall 92% pass rate in matric and 64 distinctions.


Below is the breakdown of each branch performed in matric 2023:


  1. Atlantis 96% obtained, 63% bachelors, 22% diplomas, 12% higher certificates
  2. Gugulethu 89% obtained, 65% bachelors, 22% diplomas, 3% higher certificates. 
  3. Kuyasa 98%  obtained, 65% bachelors, 26% diplomas, 7% higher certificates 
  4. Makhaza 96% obtained, 77% bachelors, 15% diplomas, 4% higher certificates
  5. Masiphumelele 85% obtained, 54% bachelors, 20% diplomas, 12% higher certificates. 
  6. Nyanga 90% obtained, 59% bachelors, 19% diplomas, 12% higher certificates


Linathi Nkampule from Harry Gwala Senior Secondary School also reflected on the impact  IkamvaYouth has had on her studies: “IkamvaYouth gave me the support that I needed with my studies, and I recommended the programme to other learners. I am now planning to enroll in a tertiary institution to further my studies”.

  • Luzuko Sidimba, IkamvaYouth District Manager, Western Cape


After-school Support Works!

IkamvaYouth’s KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape regions have once again achieved remarkable success in the matric results for the year 2023, demonstrating the effectiveness of after-school academic intervention. Through the power of the IkamvaYouth model, the KwaZulu Natal and Eastern Cape branches achieved an overall pass rate of 87.6%, with 82% of learners eligible for tertiary education. Over the years, these branches have helped up to 815 learners to matriculate, with 422 achieving bachelor passes enabling them to pursue dignified livelihoods. 


Our Chesterville, Joza and Umlazi branches continue to show their commitment to empowering learners and ensuring academic success through dedicated support and comprehensive programs. These branches have helped learners overcome challenges and in turn achieve outstanding results. Each branch’s success can be attributed to its holistic approach to supporting learners throughout the year. Our team goes above and beyond to provide support specific to learner needs. In KwaZulu Natal, in particular, our Chesterville branch achieved an impressive 95% pass rate. Even more remarkable is that all of these learners are eligible for tertiary education. The Umlazi branch, while achieving an 81% pass rate, has also made significant strides in supporting 53% of learners to become eligible for tertiary education.


This is what Mpendulo, from the Umlazi branch, had to say about his journey with IkamvaYouth: 


“IkamvaYouth has been of great help when it comes to my academic performance. I received a lot of educational tutoring that made me perform a lot better in school, the proof is in the paper. I found career guidance lessons from IkamvaYouth helpful, they are the ones that led me to the path I have taken in my career.”


Mpundulo obtained four distinctions and is planning to study Podiatry at The University of Johannesburg.


In the Eastern Cape, IkamvaYouth’s Joza branch has achieved an outstanding 87% pass rate. Moreover, an impressive 83% of learners from this branch are now eligible for tertiary education. These results are evidence of our programme’s mission to to create pathways for young people from under-resourced communities to pull themselves and each other into sustainable livelihoods.


These achievements not only celebrate the hard work and dedication of the learners but also highlight the invaluable impact of IkamvaYouth in transforming lives and shaping a brighter future. IkamvaYouth is eternally grateful to all who have made this possible, none of the results would have been obtained without the help of our dedicated volunteers and remarkable partners!

  • Thandazo Jaftha, IkamvaYouth District Manager, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal
Well Done Class of 2023, You did it!

Well Done Class of 2023, You did it!

By: Nicola-Ann Jukes, Business Development Manager


Last Friday morning, Analo, an IkamvaYouth learner from the class of 2023, came into the Masiphumelele Branch to share her matric results with the branch staff, who she has come to regard as a family. She has been a learner at the branch since 2022 and we have been at her side supporting her and championing her efforts as she moved through her academic journey. She joined the branch as she desperately wanted to improve her marks and have a safe space to study in after school. Friday marked a momentous day for Analo as she has applied to CPUT to study tourism, setting her on a pathway to a successful career and dignified life not just for herself but for her family too. When Analo came into the office, tears were already welling up in her eyes. She was greeted by Sisanda Ntsokotha, a former learner at the branch now the Branch Assistant. Analo burst into tears, sobbing as she shared the news: she had done it! She achieved a bachelor pass and is now one step closer to realising her dreams. Something that seemed impossible to her when she joined the branch. 

Analo attended one of the poorest performing schools in the Western Cape, Ocean View High School, situated in Ocean view, an area infamous for its high crime rates, gangsterism and extreme poverty. Ocean View High School produced a dismal pass rate of 54%. Her fellow Ikamvanites at the Masiphumelele branch would have either attended Ocean View High too, or Masiphumelele High School, which only achieved a pass rate of 61% and again is situated in an area plagued by similar issues  This context is vital when reviewing the pass rates and achievements of the IkamvaYouth class of 2023. At IkamvaYouth we only work in under-resourced schools in township areas. Collectively our feeder schools achieved a pass rate of 80% and of that 64% of learners will be eligible for tertiary education. This means that 4 out of every ten children at our feeder school will not be able to study further. This paints a very bleak picture in a country where the unemployment rate is currently at 31.9%, and the youth unemployment rate is at 62.1% with education being the key to employment. Through the power of the IkamvaYouth model we are able to create an environment where learners are able to defy the odds of their circumstances and get on track to the road to success. 

In a context marked by uncertainty and hardship the IkamvaYouth class of 2023 achieved a stellar 89.4% pass rate. This remarkable feat soars above the national average of 82%, demonstrating what can happen when learners are supported. The quality of passes were significant, as 79.3% learners are now eligible for tertiary education, of which 55.1% were Bachelor passes. We saw a marked increase in distinctions achieved by our learners who collectively achieved 230 distinctions up from 170 in  2022.

Zooming in on the achievements at each branch, our top achieving branch was the Diepsloot branch with a phenomenal 100% pass rate, with Kuyasa Branch coming in at a close second with 98%. The Western Cape was our top performing province with a 92% pass rate and the Gauteng branches were close behind them with a 90% pass rate.  

Celebrations at the Ivory Park Branch


Regional Overview

In Gauteng the overall pass rate was 90%. The top achieving branch was the Diepsloot Branch in this region, with a 100% pass rate, 96% tertiary pass rate, of which 79% were Bachelor passes. A very big congratulations to the Diepsloot Branch!

Learners celebrate at Matric Day in Diepsloot


The Western Cape was our top performing region with an overall pass rate of 92%. The top achieving branch in this region was the Kuyasa Branch, with a 98% pass rate, 91% tertiary pass rate, of which 65% were Bachelor passes. Four of our six branches in this region achieved pass rates of 90% or over!


A learner at the Nyanga Branch shares her results with the branch staff


Zooming in on the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal region, where the overall pass rate of 87%. The top achieving branch was the Chesterville Branch, with a 95% pass rate, 95% tertiary pass rate with 67% of these being Bachelor passes. 


Matric Day at the Chesterville Branch


In the North West the top achieving branch was the Ikageng Branch, with a 92% pass rate and a 77% tertiary pass rate. 

Celebrations at the Ikageng branch on Matric Day


Learners, tutors and staff  jump for joy at Matric Day at the Ebony Park Branch


It is important to note that some of our branches have a high number of progressed learners, this is a learner who did not meet the minimum requirements to pass the previous grade but is being moved to the next grade. The IkamvaYouth programmes support any learner regardless of their marks when they join the branch. It is vital to support these learners as they are at risk of falling into the 45% of children who do not make it through the education system. As has been widely reported, even though the Department of Basic Education achieved a 82.9% pass rate of the 1, 208, 973 learners who enrolled in grade 1 in 2012 only 715, 719 full time and 182, 056 part time candidates registered to write the matric exams. Of this cohort of children a shocking 210, 673 learners dropped out of the system from grade 11 to matric. 


But the numbers only tell part of the story. Behind these impressive statistics are 668 young bright resilient individuals who have overcome immense challenges to secure their futures. Through IkamvaYouth’s unique programme of academic support, mentoring and life skills development they have not just passed but gained the confidence and skills to thrive in the world beyond. 

“This year’s results are a testament to the unwavering commitment of our learners and volunteers,” says Hope Chidawanyika, CEO of IkamvaYouth. “Despite the difficulties they faced, they remained focused and determined, pushing themselves to achieve their full potential. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them. We will continue on our mission to partner with DBE to improve academic outcomes of learners in under-resourced communities through the power of the IkamvaYouth model. It is through the support of our countless stakeholders, our donors, volunteers, Board  and staff that this achievement was possible. We are extremely thankful to all the supporters of the IkamvaYouth Programmes – you made this possible.” 


Well done class of 2023, now go out into the world and show them what you are made of!

Celebrations at the Mamelodi Branch on Matric Day



By: Maxine Schmid, IkamvaYouth Intern and UCT Masters Student

With my exciting new (albeit temporary) place within the IkamvaYouth team, I have been given the privilege of working on a psychosocial programme for the learners of IkamvaYouth within the province of the Western Cape. You might be wondering, why mental health? Isn’t IkamvaYouth an organisation focused on education and employment? Well, yes! But, have you ever thought about what happens after the learners leave the safe walls of the organisation? Mental health is often an avoided topic in many communities, as there is a stigma attached to the word, when there is a lack of knowledge around the concept. There seems to be a great need for an increased knowledge around what mental health is and how it affects our everyday processes.


I went around to 6 branches, and held a workshop on a Saturday morning with all the learners in attendance; approximately 600+ learners were a part of these workshops. We spoke about anxiety, depression, exam stress, peer pressure, substance abuse, safe sex and most importantly, coping skills. It was essential that the learners walked away knowing what would help them the next time they felt as though they were struggling.


These workshops were a success! The learners had lots of fun and loved participating within the bigger conversation. They were also able to form relationships with the other learners and the tutor who made up their small group. The learners were taught about how to talk about mental health and were then able to put their knowledge to the test by sharing the information with the group, practising confidence and public speaking skills in the process!


Due to the short period of time of my internship at the agency, there was an identified need for the tutors to continue the conversation around mental health with the learners; as they would be a continuous relationship and a sort of ‘first-aid response’ in times of need. Therefore, the tutors also attended a workshop around what mental health looks like in learners, how to talk about mental health and how to best respond to learners who come to them seeking help. This was an incredibly beneficial activity, as the tutors were instrumental in the success of the programme. The tutors played a massive part of these workshops and I could not be more proud of the work they put in.


I would like to thank all of the branches for their participation in these programmes, especially the branch Co-ordinators and the tutors who were instrumental in ensuring that these sessions were the most beneficial for their learners.


If you feel as though you are struggling with your mental health, please contact one of the emergency numbers below. 

Suicide: 0800 567 567

Depression: SADAG SMS 31393 or 32312 and a counsellor will call you back – available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Police:Emergency services: call 10111

Mental Health: Cipla Whatsapp Chat Line (9am-4pm, 7 days a week) 076 882 2775


Cipla 24hr Mental Health Helpline 0800 456 789

The Power of After School Programmes

The Power of After School Programmes

Joy filled celebrations at the Kuyasa Branch

It has been a difficult few years for Nelisiwe who joined IkamvaYouth at the Umlazi Branch, in Grade 10 back in 2020. She was already struggling with her studies when she joined and no one could have prepared her for the two years of disrupted schooling that followed the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though she wasn’t able to attend school all the time, we provided study materials to her home and provided online tutoring. Nelisiwe graduated with a Bachelor pass with two distinctions. When asked about her plans for the future she had this to say: “I am so happy I finally completed my Matric. I have received an offer to study for a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology at The University of Kwazulu Natal. I have always been interested in investigating a crime scene. Finally, my dream will come to life.”  When more than 50% of the learners who started with her in Grade 1 did not make it to Grade 12; it takes grit and perseverance to survive the skewed schooling system in South Africa.

Nelisiwe proudly showing off her Matric certificate

National results 


84% of the matric learners at our branches passed Grade 12. We take our hats off to them. They were most certainly the hardest hit as they had to catch up on so much of the curriculum because schools were closed during 2020. Grade 10 is a very important year as learners cover new content for the subjects they have chosen. 


The IkamvaYouth matric cohort consisted of 487 learners attending after school tutoring in one of our branches in Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, North West and Kwa-Zulu Natal. This group achieved an incredible 160 distinctions. 75% of our learners are eligible for tertiary opportunities, with 52% achieving a bachelors pass which enables them to apply to university. 


Nationally for South African schools the pass rate for 2022 is at 80.1%, 3.7% higher than 2021. Amongst the schools in which we work the pass rate is 78%, with 63% of learners then being eligible for tertiary education. As we work in under-resourced schools we recognise the challenges they face and the disadvantages they faced when compared to other schools in the country. We will continue to strive to bridge this gap.


Regional results 


Two of our branches achieved an astounding 100% pass rate. A massive congratulations to the Mamelodi Branch and the Chesterville Branch for this achievement. 74% of the learners at the Mamelodi Branch are eligible for tertiary education, whereas at the Chesterville Branch a phenomenal 97% of the passes would allow learners the opportunity to go on to study further at a tertiary institution. 


Matric Day at the Mamelodi Branch as they celebrate their outstanding 100% pass rate. 


Matric Day at the Chesterville Branch as they celebrate their 100% pass rate.


We would like to shine the spotlight on Zinhle Ndlovu, who is our top learner for 2022. They were a learner at the Diepsloot branch and they achieved a phenomenal 85% subject average resulting in six distinctions. They have applied to study for a Bachelor of Accounting degree. In reflection of how much the IkamvaYouth branch support assisted Zinhle in matric she will be returning to the branch as a tutor to pay-it-forward to the next class of matric learners in 2023. What a tremendous achievement, well done to Zinhle Ndlovu.


In the Eastern Cape, IkamvaYouth has a Branch in Joza, Makana. The 2022 matric class at this branch achieved a noteworthy 93% pass rate with 89% of these allowing learners eligibility for tertiary education. Mnyiwana Siyamthanda, a learner from the Joza branch had this to say when reflecting on their time at the Joza Branch “I did very well. My plan is to go to university and study further. IkamvaYouth contributed to my results because I got study guides from the branch and had access to past question papers.” When asked if they would be coming back to tutor at the branch in 2023 they said “yes, I want to assist others to do well too”.


Learners celebrate at the Joza branch on Matric Day


Zooming in on our four branches in Gauteng the average pass rate was 85%, with 76% being eligible for tertiary education. Two of our best performing branches are in this region. The Mamelodi branch achieved an incredible 100% pass rate and the Diepsloot Branch achieved an impressive 97% pass rate.  


Jane Vurande, A learner at the Ivory Park Branch was elated with their matric results, saying that “I achieved a bachelor’s pass, with a distinction in Life Orientation. I want to go on to study Audiology. This is what I have wanted to do since a very young age. I think that’s my passion. IkamvaYouth had contributed a lot to my results. My tutors were always there to assist me. My school does not have a lab but Ikamva had it all. When I got an assignment that I couldn’t understand, they always helped me.”


Learners at the Ivory Park branch celebrating their matric marks


In Kwa-Zulu Natal the pass rate was an outstanding 91% with 79% of learners being eligible for tertiary education. The Umlazi Branch achieved a fantastic 81% pass rate and 58% of their learners are eligible for tertiary education. The Chesterville branch achieved a stellar 100% pass rate, with 69% of these learners obtaining Bachelor passes and 97% being eligible for tertiary.


Learners celebrating at the Umlazi Branch


The North West branches also achieved fantastic results with a 89% pass rate with the Ikageng branch and Mafikeng branches at 90% and 86% respectively. Eligibility for tertiary education at the branches in this province was at 84%. Lerato Moloko, A learner from the branch felt they had done very well in matric and was thrilled that their goal to study computer science could become a reality. They said “I love mathematics and I want to study at North West university”, adding that “I wouldn’t be where I am today without IkamvaYouth”.


Matric day at the Mahikeng Branch


Finally in the Western Cape the average pass rate across our five branches was at 79% with 68% being eligible for tertiary education. In 2022 our branches in this area saw an increase in enrollment rate that was over 30%. The top achieving branch in this area was the Kuyasa branch with an impressive 95% matric pass rate. The Atlantis branch saw 87% of their matric learners passing. When Yakha Bulani, a learner at the Makhaza branch was asked about his experience with IkamvaYouth they said “They are our heroes. I cannot thank them enough. I was struggling with math when I joined the programme and the tutors assisted me a lot. I can confidently say that now I’m good at math. I am waiting on responses so that I can go to University to fulfill my dream of being a civil engineer.”


Learners from the Kuyasa, full of smiles as they get their matric marks.


Our acting CEO, Ntuthu Mazwana, in reflection of our results in 2022 said “ It’s fair to say that the 2022 cohort were hardest hit by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and yet they made a consistent effort to reach their goals. As per our track record, it is evident that consistent participation in our programme can help close achievement gaps. I am very proud of this cohort and I want to congratulate them for a job done extraordinarily well.”


The IkamvaYouth Tutors


Tutors and learners from the Ivory Park branch on Matric Day


A core value of the IkamvaYouth programme is paying it forward and we would like to thank the 820 IkamvaYouth volunteer tutors, who come through to our branches in the afternoons to make sure the learners have the support they need. The time spent with learners and the constant support and belief in their ability to shine is what makes these kind of results possible. Research shows that near to peer learning support yields results and we are fortunate to see this happen at our branches. 


The impact of IkamvaYouth is perfectly narrated by Inganathi Mantyi one of our long-standing tutors at the Nyanga branch, “I have been part of the IkamvaYouth programme for nine years, I joined when I was in Grade 10 as a learner and I came back to tutor. I was motivated and inspired by my former tutors to come and give back to the programme because it helped me a lot in discovering my true potential. I am currently enrolled at UWC doing my final year in B.Ed majoring in Maths and Science in the senior phase. I love being a tutor because I get to motivate and help learners to also discover their true potential and improve their marks. This helps to inspire underprivileged young people to become better and achieve their wildest dreams. I understand the struggles of growing up in the township with no motivation around you as a resident of the Nyanga community, hence I made a decision at a young age to associate myself with spaces where I will continue to grow and be inspired. As tutors we have been practicing different strategies to improve the tutoring quality, one of them is grouping learners into the subjects that they need help so that it can be clear for tutors to work efficiently. Emphasis on peer-to-peer support for the learners is essential in building collaboration and allows learners to know their strengths and weaknesses. After sessions, we have debriefings as tutors to discuss ways to improve and continue delivering quality tutoring that is aligned with the objectives and growth.” 


We are proud of the class of 2022 and we know you have it in you to achieve your dreams. We look forward to not only cheering you on as you succeed but also coming back to pay it forward and ensure that you show your peers how it’s done.

Lloyd Lungu

031 909 3590
2525 Ngcede Grove, Umlazi AA Library, 4031

Lloyd is a self-disciplined and highly goal-driven Industrial Psychology Honours graduate. He is currently a Master's candidate completing his second year of M.Com in Industrial Psychology at the University of the Free State. Lloyd joined IkamvaYouth as a learner in 2012, after matriculating he came back and volunteered as a tutor for the duration of his undergraduate studies at UKZN. He later worked as an Intern in the Chesterville branch. His passion for youth empowerment and inclusion has grown enormously through his time and experience gained within IkamvaYouth and has inspired him to provide career guidance to young township people. He is currently working at the Umlazi Branch as a Branch Assistant.