25 learners and volunteers from Nyanga joined the branch co-ordinator and branch assistant for a memorable Strategic Planning Weekend. The SPW is a pivotal event for every IY branch as some of the branch’s volunteers and learners come together with the staff to map the way forward for the year. This year’s SPW was attended by 25 learners and volunteers and the branch co-ordinator and assistant. We were also fortunate to be joined by the WC regional co-ordinator Liesel Bakker and IY Director, Joy Olivier for our SPW.
Bomi Popi, one of the Nyanga volunteers said, ‘I’m looking forward to mapping the way forward for Nyanga, and measuring our progress next time we have such a meeting’
The weekend also provided an opportunity to the learners, tutors and staff to get to know each other better and Xola Booi, a Grade 12 learner representative said, ‘we are here to work together as learner s and tutors and share positive ideas’.
For the full branch report, please click on the following link:nyanga_spw_2012.pdf