On Monday 25th June 2013, IkamvaYouth Ebony Park Branch established a way for learners to make well-versed choices with their academics in a program called FUN MATHS. This programme aims at preparing Grade 9 learners to have a solid background in mathematics. IkamvaYouth has been working closely with its feeder schools, in and around the area . The FUN MATHS program took place at one of the feeder schools’ called Tsosolotso Ya Africa High School. The program “FUN MATHS” had learners coming from different schools including Ponelopele Oracle Secondary School and Kaalfontein Secondary.
The program started with 30 learners and went on for two weeks during Winter School starting at 9am till 12pm. Tsosolotso Ya Afrika school’s Principal Miss Ntebo Phahlane said that “The program has good intentions in developing our learners and getting them ready for Mathematics that is generally approached with a negative attitude. I personally think it will install positive attitude towards the subject, I fully support the program”.
One learner- Siphosethu Moyo said , “The program will be a huge help to all the learners from all the schools that are involved and I think generally this will help improve the school’s pass rate in mathematics.” IkamvaYouth is looking forward to continue with the program and influence the pass rates in mathematics in all the neighboring schools by getting more learners to join the FUN MATHS.