What a great time to get our learners educated and aware of their sexuaity and safe measures so that they do not contract HIV/Aids. As much as the buzz is around Exams and preparation of exams but the Nyanga and Makhaza learners are taking an oppotunity of being informed and also share their thoughts about sexuality and HIV/Aids so that after exams people remain safe. As we all know we are approaching , the holidays and many kids will be waking up to doing nothing and in many townships this coming season means “party party party” shebeens will be packed more than ever and girls are taken advantage of, during this time.
After school learners have been gathering at their Ikamva Youth Branch and taking part in a series of workshops prepared by Susan Parker from the UK who has a great back ground in HIVand sexual education.Susan n has studied Health Studies in London Metropolitan University and her aim is “to devise, design and deliver training which will support the reduction of sexual health inequalities and the promotionof a society that is inclusive, enabling and empowering for everyone”
This is inline with one of our core programme as Ikamva Youth to make sure our learners are aware of their status and know their sexual rights.
“Together we can make a South Africa that is HIV negative” By a Nyanga grade 10 learner
“Im tired of HIV and my family dying of it” By a Nyanga Grade 11 learner
Cash-flow, budgets, slips, invoices, quotes, vouchers,… were our daily concern. And now will be yours too!!
We started the day by looking at the internal controls to help us align objectives and understand the importance of good financial management. It also facilitated discussions around the financial activities of IY which led us to draw up our branch specific budgets for 2011.
Our financial director, Blou Leask, equiped the team with strategies on tracking our inflows and outflows by helping us to understand the recording process. This latter ensures proper financial reporting that helps us to minimise errors and have a clear communication with our partners, funders, and members.
Delegation of Authority
Delegation of Authority
The Board delegates authority to the Executive and Financial Directors for the day-to-day running of the organisation at a National level. They then delegate authority to Branch Directors and BranchCom at a Branch level for certain decisions/activities such as:
– Banking/signatories
– Authorising specific expenses
– Handling incoming cash and cheques
– Access to petty cash
– Checking and authorising accounting records
– Signing legal undertakings (eg Memorandums of Understanding – MoU)
We are now ready to take the bull by its horns and deliver what is due to our learners in financial transparency!
Nombu & Nico

After having the Digital Registry in place for some time now in Makhaza, we are finally implementing this System in our other Branches in the Western Cape. We were able to gather many of the branch coordinators together to have a tutorial session. Mr. Kota the creator of this program was able to sit down with the branch coordinatiors of Masi and Nyanga to show them how the program worked. For those branch coordinators that were unable to attend, a series of videos were taken and have been put on youtube so that they too could take advantage of the tutorial session.
In Part 1 we learned about relationships as well as how to narrow down a search.
In Part 2 we learned about product joints and how to specify our searches.
In Part 3 we leaned about queries and how to create a new query.
In Part 4 we learned about grouping as well as how to back up our files.
In Part 5 we learned how to share information with Microsoft Excel as well as what the all of the side tabs mean.
In Part 6 we learned about the the student registry and how to specify searches with in a query.
More to come…

This past Saturday Africa Unite hosted a School Summit on Xenophobia, where they had several dozen learners from twelve schools in the Cape Town area come together and discuss the perils of xenophobia and how to combat discrimination in our schools.
The event was very successful with several speakers from bodies including the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Department of Education. Learners compiled a list of recommendations during the event and it has been sent off to the Department of Education and other political officials. We hope this is only the beginning of a campaign to combat discrimination and racism within the schools of our community.
Viva, Africa Unite! Viva!
Please have a look at the Summit Recommendation list