All of IkamvaYouth’s programmes are delivered ‘for’/’by’ the youth rather than ‘to’ the youth. IkamvaYouth’s methodology is based on a learner-centred model that values democratic decision-making at the branch and national level, paying-it-forward, learner ownership, operational transparency, and peer-to-peer learning.
IkamvaYouth values the need to create a culture of responsibility and works in a way that gives learners responsibility for their peronsal actions but also raises their awareness of the consequences and impact of their actions on others. The SPW is a key mechanism to raise this awareness and create this sense of democracy, transparency, and accountability.
At the SPW the Branch Committee is elected, which maintains this democratic youth-led structure. Each branch’s management committee (branchcom) is voted annually and everyone (including parents, partner organisations, learners, community leaders) is welcome to participate in branchcom meetings held every two weeks. Everyone gets one vote; official branchcom members get two. Everything is discussed openly and transparently (including salaries, performance reviews, budget decisions etc.) and everyone gets a say in how things are done at the branch level.

2011 Timeline
The BranchCom is elected at the beginning of each school year at the Strategic Planning Weekend (SPW). This year at Masiphumelele it was spread across 3 weekends.30 learners attended the 1st session to find out more and then a core group of 15 maintained an interest in participating in the decision-making process. The 3 sessions were great and encouraged learners to think about their needs and wants within the programme and even touched on external concerns that could be addressed through Ikamva.
The 1st BranchCom meeting will be held on the 12th March and the BranchCom will be officially elected. Through this system, learners are really owning their choices and valuing their input into branch decisions. It is truly special to see this and it is what makes IkamvaYouth an innovative and exciting programme.
Please see the SPW report for an overview of what was discussed and how participation was fostered.

On the first day 30 learners arrived to find out how they could get involved
The DG Murray Trust has made a significant investment in IkamvaYouth, towards core operational costs and to enable an independent evaluation of our impact, which Dr Servaas van den Berg is currently conducting.
The Trust has also recently published a learning brief from IkamvaYouth. Read the full report here to learn more about our organisation, how we began, how we operate, the impact we’ve achieved to date and the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

District Co-ordinators IkamavaYouth
IkamvaYouth is a township-based non-profit organisation, established in 2003. With branches in 7 townships nationally and a growth plan in place, IkamvaYouth seeks to appoint 3 District Co-ordinators:
– Eastern Cape based in Grahamstown
– Gauteng based in Midrand
– Western Cape based in Cape Town
S/he will be based at township, and must be an enthusiastic and pro-active social entrepreneur who is passionate about the power of education to transform lives and communities, a person who aims to make a difference.
This is an exciting opportunity to join an amazing team of change makers and to play a pivotal role in a by-youth for-youth educational movement that empowers young people to take their futures into their own hands.
- Steering the strategic direction of the district and enabling growth
- Budget development and financial management
- Manage stakeholder relationships, including funders, sponsors and the community
- Fundraising
- Producing narrative and financial reports
- Site visits to branches
- Supervise branch staff to ensure that the required outcomes are achieved
- Provide support & oversight to branch coordinators
- Represent and liaise with branch coordinators for Natcom
- Fulfill related HR functions for branches
- Ensure quality delivery of programmes and implementation of IY policies and processes at branches
An individual with excellent communications skill, both written and verbal will feel at home in this position. A background in project management or the NGO sector will be considered but is not essential. If you are driven, reactive, flexible and able to work with others to help them reach their potential, then this could be the position for you.
Please view for more information about the organisation and send a CV and strong motivational letter to:
Salary expectation R15,000 –R18,000 (Depending on experience)
Closing date 09 March for Western Cape and Gauteng position.
Closing date 30 May for Easten Cape position.
Correspondence limited to short listed candidates only. No late applications wil be considered.
Some awesome news for February 2012 – we’ve just moved our Nyanga branch from the Nyanga Library to the Zolani Centre. Check the pics below for a taste of our new space… we’ve already been busy decorating and are excited to announce that we’re upping the number of young people we’re working with in Nyanga from 60 to 90.
Tutoring is hopefully kicking off next week, but we need your help! We’re in urgent need of desks or tables to help us seat young people during their classes.

The space is ours to use in the afternoons but is used for other purposes outside of our hours, so we’re looking for some stackable/foldable trestle tables or desks which can be put away outside of class times.

Can you help? If you’ve got any tables/desks you could donate please get in touch with Asanda on or drop him a line on 07988 54277. Please pass this along to any contacts/networks you think might be relevant – your help is hugely appreciated!

Nyanga branch has kicked off the year on a high note this weekend with an open day held at the library where early on Saturday morning the hall was full with new eager, hopeful learners all looking for a place this year. A few parents also came to show their support, as well as all the tutors and new returning grade 12s.
The morning kicked off with a brief explanation of IkamvaYouth, how it began and last year’s results from the branch, explanations of the importance of attendance and dedication for the last few years of school, tutors also took to the floor to introduce themselves as well as provide words of encouragement. A highlight of the morning was when Benfilda, a Zimbabwean girl and 2011 Grade 12 got up to speak about what IkamvaYouth has done for her, and to say goodbye. She’s been offered a full scholarship to study at St Augustines in Johannesburg this year, she is living proof for the new learners that by working hard and committing yourself to studies and hard work has amazing results and if she can do it so can they. Her lasting words to the new learners, ‘the future is in your hands!’

Another highlight of the morning was the announcement that the branch will be moving, for the past few years the Nyanga library has been home to the branch with the librarians an integral part of the operations, yet one thing that couldn’t be controlled is the crime level in Nyanga, and so with the safety of the learners and tutors at stake we’ve secured space for tutoring, an office and computer lab in the Zolani community centre. This very exciting move will be taking place this week and so by the time tutoring starts this year we’ll be completely settled and ready to get going.
And so when the new learners left on Saturday with application forms it left everyone with a sense of excitement, not only for the New Year, the new learners, the old learners taking control of their future, but of the new space, the new possibilities, the new direction the branch will be taking in 2012. Expect to be seeing only great things from us this year, it’s our time!
Over the last few weeks the MasiphumeleleLibrary has been honored with title of Community Library, which promotes it from its position as satellite library of Fish Hoek to a library in its own right. This is a mark of the hardwork and perserverence that has developed the library from a room full of books to a vibrant, dynamic community centre. As a result of this hard work Susan Alexander has been given the position of Head Librarian (a role she was born to fill). We are so excited to have Sue here full-time and to build on the fantastic partnership between IkamvaYouth and the library.
This transition does come at a cost…
Sue arrives boxes and all, in the next couple of weeks and will throw us from our office – oh the cheek! Lonely, we will wander the courtyard crying out for a space to work!
Okay, the situation isn’t THAT bad, and Sue is in fact giving us a new office space. However, we are left furniture-less. If you or anyone you know is sitting with a desk, a cupboard, shelf unit, or office chairs (or all of the above if they are some bizarre hoarder of office related items) then please please get in touch with me and contribute to IkamvaYouth’s operations at the Masi Library.
We are looking for donations to furnish the office to make it a functional space for staff, volunteers and learners.
Specifically we require; 1 or 2 desks, a lock cupboard, and 2 chairs
Contact me on 0798838854 or email me
Thank you! Enkosi! Dankie!

The beautiful new IkamvaYouth office space. Please help to furnish it.