Yet another successful development opportunity stroked the Potchefstroom community when IkamvaYouth brought a Career Expo to Ikageng Township. The event which took place on the 2nd of May 2014, received impressive by-in from different institutions, companies and organizations was also freely inviting to learners from all schools around the community and was hosted at Thembalidanisi Primary School, which is IkamvaYouth’s first tutoring venue in the North West Province.

Different Career opportunities and options were presented to learners, bringing career counseling and awareness, and to most an adventure as this was the first experience and contact with many tertiary service providers in one place. In attendance also was the Ikageng Branch team of learners, tutors and staff. High level of discipline was maintained and satisfaction met from all parties. All institutions had a chance to present their offers to learners in the IkamvaYouth tutoring hall before everyone moved out to the exhibiting stands.

A Among the exibitors in attendance were institutions like TUT, UNISA, Potchefstroom Agiculture College, Excelsius Nursing College, NWU School of Nursing Science, NWU School of Social Sciences, Eskom, SAPS, WITS University, Department of Health and Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM). IkamvaYouth also took opportunity spreading wings, getting repute and joing up with new partners in fostering education. Prospective learners were also given application forms and a chance to apply being part of IkamvaYouth.

Great fun and exploring dominated the event with learning taking lead, the dawn of a new era for IkamvaYouth Ikageng with the event being the first in the history of the branch. The presentations and exhibits were fairly balanced, covering a number of career options and choices. The event, in evaluation brought an exclusive drive and push for an even better Career event the next time the branch hosts another, a remarkable learning curve for all.

Warm-hearted applause to all stakeholders, institutions and partners who took their precious time reaching out to the knowledge hungry community of Ikageng.
The Ikageng branch held its first ever Strategic Planning Workshop (SPW) on the 26th April 2014. The SPW was hosted at Lemon Blossom Guest House’s conference center in Potchefstroom. In attendance were tutors, learner representatives, the district coordinator- Mr Patrick Mashanda, a visiting tutor from Ebony Park branch- Mr Shelton Chadya and Mr Sello Seitlholo- the Ikageng branch ambassador to North-West University participated with the branch staff in this event.

The day started with a testimonial speech by Mr Chadya followed by a motivational speech from Mr Seitlholo. The branch coordinator, Ms Tshadinyana Phetoe, gave an orientation to the volunteers about IkamvaYouth, its establishment, and the different programmes implemented at IY. The branch’s highlights were presented by the branch assistant- Mr Clemence Msindo. Mr Mashanda addressed the volunteers on the importance of volunteering and emphasized on the value of volunteers at IkamvaYouth. Ms Mary Mothae, a former tutor at Ivory Park, presented the tutor training, and Ms Noposi Majavu, the branch’s intern addressed on learner behavior and expectations. More pressing issues including discipline and dress code as well as commitment were discussed and action points to aliviate these issues were agreed upon. The team was divided into small groups in order to discuss the branch challenges, which were later presented to the whole team. The team brainstormed possible and potential solutions to branch challenges collectively with tutors and learners effectively and efficiently participating in all brainstorming activities.

After a long day of hard work and fun, elections were run for the branch committee. The portfolios which were filled were for head of tutoring; media image and expression; life skills and extramural activities; computer skills; mentoring and career guidance; discipline and library facilities. The election of the BranchCom marked yet another milestone opportunity for tutors to engage more in branch activities and have a voice on critical decisions of the branch. The branch staff is very excited of the newly elected branch com and hope to have a more functional branch going forward.

The 30th of November 2013 was yet another spectacular event day for Ikageng branch. Excitement and anxiety had the best of most grade 11learners at Ikageng as the first mentorship programme waited launching on this particular day. Hosted by IkamvaYouth and ABI, the event opened up a wider range of opportunities for these young township learners as they got paired with a mentor to take them with advice and support throughout their high school career till at tertiary level. Clemence Msindo(IkamvaYouth) and Georgette Naidoo (ABI) coordinated the day’s activities energetically.

Excitement started building up after a motivational speech by Roston from ABI that followed talent revealing acts and presentations from learners and tutors. Patrick delivered a speech explaining the significance of learners having mentors and guidelines on how the programme would be run. 18 grade 11 learners were later paired with mentors using a random selection method whereby mentors were addressed separately and picked up learners of the same sex with them from a list provided to avoid other learners feeling inferior when they couldn’t get mentors that day. The idea was also to surprise learners as the names were called and each two strangers officially met to start a long professional relationship that will see the learners being guided with suggestions, ideas, advice and networks useful as they follow their career path.

It was indeed an exciting event seeing smiling faces taking each other through the first meeting that marked a record in the history of the Ikageng branch being the first mentoring programme in the first IkamvaYouth branch in the North West Province and the first mentoring programme involving our main sponsors ABI’ staff as mentors. The day was a successful learning platform for all parties. The mentors and learners were given one hour introducing and getting to know each other, exchanging contacts and signing commitment contracts to assure each other and seal the deal entered between the two. There is much hope that the 17 learners who could not get mentors on this day would be paired with their mentors by end of February 2014. A total number of 35 grade 11 learners are expected to complete grade 12 with required attendance and commitment.

Meanwhile the learners who were not receiving mentors were engaging into different traditional plays and activities waiting for the main Sports Day events after the mentorship programme launching. The sporting activities started with four houses being selected from which teams were chosen to compete against each other in various gaming activities, each team having 17 members.

The sack race officially opened up the games for the day. The rules were simple; “hop your way in a sack to the finishing point without tearing your sack”. Spectators from either side were shouting and chanting songs supporting their teams. The event was getting heated with every activity carried out.

The egg race spiced up the games adding excitement to the event. The idea was to cross the finishing line on the first position with an egg safely settled in a spoon. Every team bravely fought to out-compete another so they could collect the highest number of points.

The wheelbarrow race concluded the competitions taking all participants to the prize giving ceremony for the day. Surfaced under the sun on good weather, the day ended sooner than expected as the fun kept calling for more games. Prizes were of backpacks, and were presented by ABI to team members from each side, who had collected highest marks than others. Special thanks to our sponsors ABI for gladly hosting the event as well as providing lunch and drinks that quenched everyone’s thirst. The day marked an official and successful year-end for the Ikageng Branch, leaving great expectations of embracing the year 2014 with much hope of taking on other IkamvaYouth programmes soon, with renewed strength and pride as Ikamvanites.
Tutor appreciation held on Saturday the 16th of November at the Ikageng branch was an awesome event.

The day began with an extension of gratitude to tutors by the learners for their help throughout the year. Ikageng learners then presented them uniquely designed certificates of appreciation. The dedicated tutors could not help smiling and as they received the honor, posing for photos from a crowd of cheerful learners.

One tutor said “We feel so honored to see how much the learners appreciate us. It makes us proud to be part of IkamvaYouth’’

Straight after being handed certificates, yet another surprise awaited the Ikageng tutors. The River Lodge camping site in Klerksdrop then provided a platform for team building, planning and celebrating successes between IkamvaYouth staff and tutors. The team had a one hour workshop discussing achievements, challenges, expectations and targets for the year 2014

The day ended well with dancing, braai and drinks. Warm thanks were passed over to IkamvaYouth for organizing such a great day for the tutors. They all felt appreciated and ready to start the New Year with extended energy.
To mark IkamvaYouth’s 10th Anniversary, we’re celebrating the Superheroes who’ve helped us to achieve the landmark successes worth celebrating. Read all about them and our super achievements in the latest IkamvaYouth 2012 Annual Report.
If you want to download the file, click below
Annual Report 2012
Among superheroes, lessons learned and our vision for 2030, you’ll find a board game where you can play the highs and lows of IkamvaYouth’s first decade. Download the Game tokens here.

Some say it’s empowering to learn your HIV status, others say its better not to know, Ikageng Ikamvanites decided to take control over their lives and know their HIV status. On the 27th July 2013, IY Ikageng branch dedicated the day for HIV awareness and testing.

The Potchefstroom Hospital’s wellness centre team led by Mr. Ramasimong conducted the health awareness workshop as well as HIV Testing and Counselling. The team took us through HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment as well as care. They encouraged Ikamvanites to empower themselves to be in charge of their own decisions, and make getting tested a regular lifestyle. They provided information on local testing centres and contact persons.

Mr. Ramasimong emphasised that whether you’ve tested positive or negative, everyone has a role to play in ending HIV/AIDS pandemic. He encouraged Ikamvanites to stop procrastinating and get tested in campaign for an HIV/ AIDS-free generation. He further encouraged everyone to be part of the solution by always talking to their partner about knowing their status and getting tested before having sex. Ramasimong said ‘If you’re negative, stay negative by using protection each and every time and getting tested regularly’.

”If you’re positive, get treated, though there is no cure yet, there are very effective treatments measures available to help people living with HIV live long healthy lives through use of protection and recomended treatment measures.” The awareness followed individual voluntary testing and counselling on IkamvaYouth staff, tutors and learners

A follow up testing procedure will be arranged in 3 months’ time.
Fear is the biggest destroyer which Ikamvanites managed to conquer, given that we live in an era where treatment is available, HIV is not a death sentence as it is commonly thought to be. Instead, the biggest killer is ignorance. Not knowing your status puts you and others at risk.

Lack of knowledge about HIV results in stigmatization and discrimination hindering chances of an HIV/AIDS free generation as the afected and infected would turn a blind ear in fear of banishement and getting ignored or shunned by their families, communities and work colleagues.