Based on our 2016 matric pass rate of 85%, the benchmark for our matric cohort is now set to achieve above this record.

Tutors at Tutor Appreciation Day Celebration
Ikageng’s 2016 matric results recorded a whopping 85% pass rate. To sustain the branch’s positive matric results momentum, since the beginning of the year, the branch has been striving to Paying It Forward by hosting a number of career guidance sessions, matric induction into tertiary applications and placement information, mentoring sessions, and stress relief workshops for our current matric cohort.
Exam Preparation
During this term, our tutors have been available for the learners throughout the week from Monday to Saturday assisting them to review all school content covered from the beginning of the year, also in answering previous exam question papers. We then rewarded our tutors with a Tutor Appreciation trip to Potch Dam for a celebration of their hard work.

Ntombi Mahlangu (BC) Facilitating the Grade 11 Workshop
This induction workshop introduced our current grade 11s to life-into-matric in 2018. The induction process included the pass requirements for each of these levels (Higher Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor); the prerequisites for tertiary enrolment, NBTs and many more. Furthermore during the session, learners were taught to calculate for themselves their matric pass type using mock academic reports so they could be aware of their term 3 pass status.
Facilitated by our volunteer, Thenjiwe Gazi, the branch hosted a Subject Selection workshop for Grade 9s. The workshop included psychometric assessment of personality, aptitude and interests. Followed by an online written report of the results, recommendations and individual feedback sessions. The learners were also made aware of the impact that their subject choice may have on future career prospects.
Our Mentors from SALT Lunching with our 2017 Matrics
When the final exams for matrics officially began, our mentors from SALT organisation lunched with our matriculants offering psychosocial support. The session focused on the importance of a balanced mental and emotional state for building resilience during exam times, to ascertain that stress and anxiety do not derail the efforts of our current Grade 12’s. We are thankful that our learners gave positive feedback of the session.
Building Strengthening Relationship with the DoE

Bonolo Thebe (Mafikeng Branch Coordinator) Delivering the Candle Lighting Speech
The branch continually strengthens relationship with the Bokone Bophirima Department of Education and Sports Development. On the 25th November, we are greatly honoured by the attendance of the DoE official Mr Tyatya who shared words of wisdom particularly to the matriculants for their final examinations. Also on the 20th October, DoE cordially invited both the Ikageng and Mahikeng branches to the launch of the Tsetsepela Morutwana campaign and the Annual Provincial Prayer for 2017 in support of learners as they write their final examinations. IkamvaYouth delivered the Candle Lighting speech. On the next day, we were also invited to the celebration of 2017 (Provincial) National Teaching Awards of winners proceeding to the National awards in 2018.
We closed the year by hosting the 2017 Career Expo where all high school learners in Potchefstroom from different grade levels (9, 10, 11 & 12s) were invited, including parents, IY alumni and volunteers. The aim of our Career Expo is to reach all age demographics targeting high school learners in making informed decisions in selection of career paths at an early stage, with early applications at tertiary and bursary institutions, and creating awareness of more career options available at their disposal. The Expo featured a variety of exhibitors and presentation as follows; Cocacola Beverages South Africa; FAMSA; South African Police Services; Rosebank College; Vuselela College; ABSA; Virgin Active; Music Arts & Sports; JHB Culinary & Pastry School; Girls Ignite Africa; Centurion Academy; Herald Newspaper and many more…
We are committed to building partnerships with multifaceted stakeholders in improving our learner’s academic achievements, and making the tertiary/post-matric placements possible. We hope all participants will consider joining us again in celebrating our Matric Results Day hosted at our branch on the 20th January 2018.

Mahikeng Winter School 2017
This year, IkamvaYouth Mahikeng once again hosted a Winter School holiday tutoring program for 60 learners and 18 tutors which was all funded by our partner Coca Cola Beverages South Africa and made successful through the vigorous efforts of a highly motivated group of tutors and the IkamvaYouth learners who earnestly wanted to improve their academics and also enthusiastically engage with their fellow Ikamvanites thorough support programs offered.
The successful Winter School program complimented the core IkamvaYouth programmes that run throughout the year by providing a 2-week opportunity of intensive concentration of academic and non-academic interventions from the 3rd of July to the 14th of July. The highlights of this year’s programme included: focused tutoring sessions in all school subjects for a maximum of 44 hours in the 2 weeks; career guidance and mentoring; life-skills workshops, HIV testing (with the consent of the parents); aerobics (facilitated in house) and the Talent Show to end of the holiday program. The learners are looking forward to attending a CCBSA plant tour and Career Day on the 24th of July 2017 (when the schools re-open).

Every morning before tutoring sessions began; we held an assembly and conducted various energizers and icebreakers. The essential component of IkamvaYouth’s Winter School is the academic component. Tutors offered the learners assistance in their school work, past exam papers and homework to enable the learners to focus on areas and subjects they struggle with. Tutoring sessions also help learners improve their confidence in speaking English while improving their grades. Learners also received an hour of one-on-one tutoring sessions. Each subject had an assigned tutor who was assisting the learners, and the tutor sat with the group for the entire Winter School duration to ensure maximum impact as they get to finish the conversations they started with the same tutor the next day. This does not normally happen at the branch on normal tutoring days, as the learners sit with different tutors on different days for the same subject.

A few workshops focused mainly around themes relating to life skills, HIV/Aids awareness and voluntary testing, career guidance, and physical activities were held throughout the two week period. Different stakeholders (such as Lifeline Mafikeng, Families South Africa (FAMSA), (South African National Tuberculosis Association (SANTA) and South African Police Services- Mahikeng (SAPS), came to present to the learners and tutors on various aspects they specialize in.

- Lifeline Mahikeng
The Lifeline facilitators came to the branch to discuss the importance of family and how to respect one another. They emphasized that the one cannot live without a family and that the learners should abstain to avoid unwanted pregnancies. The learners enjoyed the session and related to it by speaking about how they see some of their families living in difficult situations and they do not want to put themselves in such a tight corner.
- Lifeline Mahikeng (Voluntary HIV Testing and Counseling)
The organisation came in to the branch to conduct voluntary HIV testing. Before the testing began, learners were taken into the hall for encouragement to participate and pre-counseling. They facilitated a highly interactive and engaging session on managing one’s personal health, particularly with regards to HIV/Aids. About 55 of the learners including tutors took the opportunity for voluntary counseling and testing. This was done so that learners and tutors know their HIV status and encouraged to live healthy lives.
iii. SANTA
SANTA explained to the learners how HIV and Aids inter-link with each other. They also highlighted that for one person to get TB, it does not mean that you contract it from a person with it, and mentioned that anyone can get TB from anywhere.
FAMSA brought professional social workers to facilitate a session on the issues of peer-pressure. They explained to the learners that anyone, at any age can feel the pressure.
Talent Show
On the 14th of July, the last day of the Winter School programme learners came to showcase their talents. With the theme being “The future is in your hands” the learners entertained their fellow Ikamvanites and parents/guardians with different performances. What a day! This was a fantastic opportunity for the learners to unwind for a day and enjoy some great performances as well as see another side of the tutors and IY staff who were also participating in the talent show.

The Mahikeng tutor who won “best tutor” of the 2017 Winter School with the most learner votes was Thapelo Mulutsi, a 3rd year Wits student studying Electrical Engineering who is originally from Mafikeng. Thapelo was the guest tutor for Winter School period and has assured the branch staff that he will dedicate more of his time at the Gauteng branches as he is residing there now while at tertiary.

Each year, IkamvaYouth Mahikeng takes over the Danville Secondary School hall to end the year with a Prizegiving event. This is a celebration of the learners’ achievements and efforts across a wide range of disciplines, improvement and academics. Compared to last year, the branch experienced a full house,with the occasional tissue required at times!

Several attendees asked to read the annual Prizegiving speech, given by Katlego Mosupa, a Grade 10 learner from Setumo Secondary school. You can read this speech below:
“Our dear parents, tutors and fellow Ikamvanites. It is with great honor that I am standing in front of you today to express my gratitude to our IkamvaYouth tutors and staff. I always come to the branch with the excitement and with the hope that I will be assisted. Tutoring sessions are never disappointing to me. We have committed tutors who always go an extra mile to assist us- the learners”.
Dressed in Vintage, one learner was voted dressed for the day by the parents. Ontlametse Banda, who was looking splendid received a breakfast voucher from Wimpy to use during the December holidays.
Amongst the other things, Refilwe Botipeng, a Grade 10 learner from Danville Secondary received the “Learner of the year” award. The decision was based on among others, her behaviour and manner; always arriving at the branch on time; always striving to speak English and respect on a broad scale- respecting the learners, tutors and staff. She hands in her term report without a push, and on time and practices peer-to-peer support to the fellow Ikamvanites. The Programme Coordinator, Bonolo Thebe, thanked the amazing tutors who so generously and willingly have given up their time to ensure the marks of the learners improve. She also thanked the stakeholders and parents for their support, as well as the learners for their commitment. Bonolo ended off by wishing learners happy holidays hoped to see them next year with tons of energy.

One of their friends, Keitumetse Sebokanelo (Pictured on left) went to the Department of Water and sanitation offices in Mafikeng where she saw a poster about the competition. Keitumetse decided to tell her classmates, Mmabatho and Ontlametse about it. They entered their names for the competition and received a phone call from the department. They did not waste time when they were told to come and speak on the topic “ Underground water”. They did research on underground water and presented to the department while others did drama and acting around the topic. “I was scared and did not know what to expect,” said Ontlametse.They did very well as their speech was loved by the judge and took first position in the whole North West province. Last month (27-29 June 2016) they went to represent the North West province in at Port Elizabeth for the Finale. There were learners from schools all over South Africa representing their provinces and the competition got tough. Unfortunately for them, they got fifth position, however, they did not walk away empty handed. The department awarded them with full bursaries to study at any university in South Africa, towards qualifications in water science or other courses related to water sanitation.