On the 11th of May, both Ivory and Ebony park Ikamvanites attended the University of Johannesburg Open Day. As expected, ikamvanites came in numbers to avail themselves for the Open Day. On arrival, the learners were introduced to their Tour Marshall for the day, who then read-out the rules and explained on how the tour will be conducted.
They started by visiting all the departments the University offers. In each department ikamvanites got to know different career paths to follow and their requirements. Ikamvanites learnt the different Degrees and Diplomas the institution offers. They were advised to work hard on their grade 11 and 12 results to stand a chance of getting accepted at the Institution. Ikamvanites were then asked to sit in a televised film that showed and explained the importance of choosing the best subjects and courses for their future.
This is what the learners had to say about the Open Day.
Rebecca Mamabolo (Ebony Park), “the Tour Marshall was very friendly and I experienced a lot from the Open Day”.
Kabelo Madiga (Ivory Park), “at University of Johannesburg we got all the information we needed”.
The day ended with learners asked to submit their application forms, to stand a chance of winning a bursary worth R25000 if they submit their forms on Open Day. We are working hard to attain yet another 100% placement in Gauteng for 2013!!
Written By Michael Thema (Ebony Park Branch)

The 4th of May was an exciting day for Nyanga Matrics, as the Career Guidance and Mentoring portfolio launched the 2013 Mentoring program.
After weeks of planning, the launch came together beautifully. Our Matrics were joined by their parents, IY staff, and Gr 11 learners in a session where they met their mentors for the year. Our mentors are all university students in their senior years of study, and have been paired with individual learners according to similar career interests and fields of study. The mentors met the learners’ parents, and IY staff, and had a productive time, getting to know their mentees, the IY program and the role and importance of mentoring for grade 12s, during this crucial time in their lives.
Nyanga’s head of Career Guidance and Mentoring, Nosipho Bele had the following to say:
Mentoring is very important at this stage of the learners’ lives, and we want every learner to have that support system throughout the year.
The leaners also got a rare treat, as motivational speaker and actor, Siv Ngesi spoke to them about growing up in the township and succeeding in life, despite humble beginnings.
One of the parents, Mr Mputa, expressed his gratitude for the support being offered the learners, and said the following:
I am happy that (IkamvaYouth) is doing so much to help our children. We did not have these things growing up but because of your work, our children can pursue their dreams with help from people who know more than they do.
We are excited to see the fruit of this crucial structure in our Matrics’ lives and look forward to greater things from our Career Guidance and Mentoring team!
2013 mentorship programme started off on a high note for IY Gauteng (Ivory and Ebony). The meet-and-greet session was held on the 04th of May for both branches and grade 12 learners were so excited to be paired with their mentors.

Mentors and mentees at the Ivory Park branch
Mentoring at IkamvaYouth is a year long programme, where a mentor commits to guiding and motivating a grade 12 learner the whole year till they are placed in a tertiary institution. It begins with the ‘meet-and-greet’ session, where the mentor meets their mentee for the first time. Thereafter they can communicate via email, phone, or they can arrange other meetings, notifying the branch staff in the process. The mentor commits to at least 2 hours of communication every month, checking on such aspects as how the learner is doing at school, if they have applied for bursaries, and ensuring they apply to at least three tertiary institutions. The mentors compliment what the branch staff is already doing, only availing further help to the mentee of their choice. Anyone who has been through tertiary can become a mentor.

Mentors and mentees at Ebony Park branch
At the Ivory Park branch, mentors received a warm welcome from Patrick Mashanda, the district coordinator. It was really exciting to have them, with 13 mentors present, and having braved the morning cold to be at the branch at 8am. Suzan Mpufane (mentor) said she was just excited to be part of this mentoring programme and she wouldn’t mind mentoring two mentees. Emmanuel Mogale, a grade 12 learner, noted that it was more fun, and he had a great time. ‘It is indeed beneficial to be a learner at IkamvaYouth and an opportunity like this should never be missed”, he said.
At the Ebony Park branch, 11 professionals availed themselves to meet their mentees for the first time. The mentors came from Eskom, SABC, EOH, and The Legacy of True Beauty. Kasandra Katurura, one of the grade 12 learners at Ebony Park, noted that “Dean (her mentor) actually brought himself down to my level and made me understand basic principles of my academic life, and that is amazing’.
Nyasha Mutasa, the Ebony Park branch coordinator observed that the learners were so excited, while the mentors showed unreserved commitment to help the learners, which made the session a success.
The mentors and mentees signed a mentorship agreement, which is a basic commitment to work together all the way, ensuring the mentee is motivated.
Devendri Pillay of African Bank- addressing learners whose mentors had not managed to come.
Both branches hope to have found mentors for every mentor by the end of May. ABI staff are working on coming to mentor at the Ebony Park branch, while there are more mentors from African Bank for the Ivory Park branch. Thank you beloved mentors. All the best for our Matric 2013 Ikamvanites!!
Hyperion is a South African student based organisation. Their goal is to see IT and Computer Science being promoted more throughout South Africa- starting with Universities and Schools in South Africa.
Hyperion wants to work with IkamvaYouth by training Ikamvanites learners in Gauteng to be star programmers in web development, Python and Java. They offer free training in computer programming and web development to absolutely anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re in high school, university or even a lecturer- they will help you develop IT skills based on your needs. Their entire lessons are done over the internet, you can also arrange one-on-one lessons with their tutors face-to-face or over the internet.
They do not only promote IT and Computer Science, but also donate computers to Schools; currently they are on the verge of donating computers to one of our feeder schools in Gauteng (Tsosoloso Ya Afrika). On the 18th of January, they went to Riverdene Secondary School located in Newlands west. The school was in need of computer equipment and Hyperion was there to donate computers. They currently have resources to fund the installation of about 120 computers for Education purposes.

A number of Ikamvanites took time to look into the program and this is what they had to say;
“It’s essential and beneficial for everyone to have knowledge of IT and Computer Science”-Sfiso Baloyi (tutor)
“It’s a great program for one to familiarize with IT and Computer Science” Kabelo Mashele (Grade 12 Learner)
We hope every learner in South Africa will be equipped with the necessary IT and Computer skills for years to come.
Written by Michael Thema (Ebony Park Branch Assistant)
Ikamvanites in Grade 11 were honored to come into contact with Professor Jill Bradbury from Wits University and Doctor Jude Clarke, from the University of KwaZulu Natal, who came through to the Ebony Park Branch to talk to the learners about issues surrounding their identity and how it connects with Freedom Day. Doctor Jude, who was in charge of running the program has long been inspired by the IkamvaYouth story and felt that she needed to give back in the only way that she knew how, which was in drama, art and dance. About 160 learners converged at the Ebony Park Branch on the 27th of April (Freedom Day) and they were all excited to also be met by 10 psychology honors students from Wits University who were all geared up for a day of fun and exploration.
Doctor Jude said that in today’s world it is very significant to identify oneself with at least one thing (ones ethnicity, nationality, race, religion, or a particular belief) and be able to connect with others, who might be different from you. Many people still grapple with the notion of identity in many countries, regions, and various ways in order to fit or adapt into any environment (social, economic, cultural, political, etc). Ones identity determines ones position or situation in society whereever one lives. However, finding the right type of identity can be challenging for many people sometimes because of the difficulties they face in the process of choosing their identities.
The learners were all separated into groups of 20 and dance, art and drama became the fun ways in which they began to explore themselves and others. The workshop started at 9 a.m and only came to a close at 3:30pm.

Our Ikamvanites were all so inspired and were very thankful for a very unique and inspired filled day.
This years Careers Indaba, organised in partnership with Equal Education and SAEP, saw nearly 1000 leaners come though the doors of the Zolani Centre, all coming to gain valuable exposure to organisations, workshops and other important resources.
The aim on the Indaba is to provide learners with information that will assist them in making informed decisions; a fundamental step in fostering a mind set in the youth of South Africa of pro-active future orientated thinking. It is challenging to dream of a better future and to aspire to goals without knowing the realities of these goals and the opportunities that are available.

The annual Careers Indaba is a chance for leaners to obtain information on where to continue their studies, start working; find out about on the job training, as well as alternatives to studying through volunteer programs or internships. It gives them a chance to investigate their options and talk directly to the people who are able to guide them in the right direction. In addition Career Planet and Kayin from SAEP also offered workshops on CV building, interview techniques and personal development. Skills that are needed wherever your path takes you.

While protests on the freeway kept a few exhibitors away, it didn’t damper the spirit of the learners who came, and a few had this to say,
Kuhle, “I learnt that I have to be confident and choose a career that will require my talents and abilities.”
Zasipho, “I have learnt about my career, where to study, how and where to apply for bursaries and how to be successful in future.”
Ludwe, “I have learnt that even if you come from a poor family you can get a bursary and go further with your education.”
Sikelelwa, “I have learnt that education is your ticket to success and you have to have dreams in order to succeed. Everything you do is all about knowing what you truly want out of life.
Ngeke, “That you must know what you want and understand your chosen career. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of it.”
Anathi, “I have learnt that there are many opportunities for youth out there so there’s no excuse of not having money or being poor.”
Nosiphiwo, “I learnt that in order for me to achieve my dream career I need to focus on my studies so that I can get better results at the end of the year.”
The day would not have been possible without our amazing partnership with Equal Education and SAEP – big up to them!