Ebony Park Ikamvanites and Mandela Month Celebrations

Ebony Park Ikamvanites and Mandela Month Celebrations

Tuesday 24 July was an exciting day for the Ebony Park learners as they continued in the spirit of Mandela Month by giving back to their community. “Charity begins at home,” most learners said, whilst they decided on where exactly in the community they would spread the Mandela Month spirit.

Our Ikamvanites decided to give back by going to a Nursery School called Mission House located on the same premises as IkamvaYouth. The afternoon was filled with different activities including cleaning the house, decorating and painting the play areas. The principal of the School,  Mrs Lindiwe Nxusa, was so overwhelmed with gratitude that all she could do was hug everyone close to her. She has encouraged our Ikamvanites to continue with all the great work.

Mandela Day is a call to action for individuals – for people everywhere – to take responsibility for changing the world into a better place, one small step at a time, just as Mr Mandela did. We are all determined to play our part in making South Africa a better place for all.


Fashionistas strutting their stuff

Fashionistas strutting their stuff

The cool kids on the block, Nyanga and Makhaza got their mascara and trendy threads out at winter school for a collaboation with Live Magazine.

Have a look here at a behind the scenes look at what happened when our stylish fashionistas got their hands on cameras and were let loose to scout locations around UCT for the perfect shot.



They have also uploaded some of the stories writed that week on the Live magazine mobile channel.


Huge thanks to Nkuli, Julia and the Live Magazine team for such awesome workshops!



IY Chesterville celebrates Nelson Mandela Day in style

IY Chesterville celebrates Nelson Mandela Day in style

Wednesdays is usually Homework Sessions at our Vuyani Nkosi Memorial Youth Centre but all that changed for Mandela Day, where we dedicated 67 minutes of our usual 2 hour sessions to giving back once again to the community. The overarching objective of Mandela Day is to inspire individuals to take action to help change the world for the better. Well with the future in their hands, this is what IY’s Chesterville learners had in mind for their Mandela Day.

18 July ( Nelson Mandela’s birthday ofcourse ) saw Chesterville learners, staff and tutors return to the St Anthony’s Church’s Mission in a quest to not only finish painting a class we had painted during winter school but also brighten up another class we had been permitted to paint and this time it was in honour of our first democratically elected president, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela who was turning 94

St. Anthony’s Church has a mission which houses abused women and children. Mothers who live at the mission with their toddlers, have the pleasure of having their young ones attend a pre-school located in the premises of the church. These 2 classes are separated – one being for infants and toddlers while the other is for grade 0 learners. 

having been the first black president in 1994.

Read a snippet about the event on the official Mandela Day site.



EwB report Makhaza

EwB report Makhaza

Last year the Makhaza branch had an opportunity to pilot a project with Education without Borders (EwB) who aims to provide improved educational opportunities and facilities in disadvantaged regions of the world. The program focussed on Grade 8s in aid to work through and understand basic math principles that highlight the simplicity of mathematics and emphasises the critical importance of foundational skills while acknowledging the complicated challenges and circumstances of life, which many of IkamvaYouth learners are coping with.

 With the phenomenal results achieved in 2011 that you can read about here, the program continued with our new cohort of grade 8s.  Beginning in January thus far they have completed two of the books in the program, and during winter school made headways into the third book.

Thus far, of the 20 learners who started the program at the beginning of 2012 in total, 3 were excluded because of poor attendance, 1 dropped out and the rest have begun to show the results expected looking at last years group. The group is a complete mix from 6 different schools in Khayelitsha.

Class Assessment

We have held two internal assessment tests during the first two terms. The first assessment test held in term 1 was based on work covered by Book 1. The second assessment test held in term 2 was based on the work covered by Book 2. The results of learners for the first two tests are shown below.


The chart above shows clearly the increase in math ability achieved by 16 of 20 Grade 8’s who wrote the assessment tests in the first two terms. Some learners were still finding it difficult to catch up with others as they still struggle to understand the basic fundamentals, however there is quite an improvement judging from term one school results.

Comparison of average percentage in Internal assessments vs. School results

It is clear that almost all learners scored higher in the internal test than their school results, not only does this program cover the basic fundamentals in basic math literacy, through the peer to peer learning and an environment created while attending tutoring sessions at IkamvaYouth that these students excel in many of their other subjects, as well as with their self confidence when approaching problems that arise and the means to approach them.


Learner performance

The learners who have be attending regularly showed great improvement and the results are showing improved confidence and with increased attendance the better the results, there has also been significant peer-to-peer learning and problem solving collaboration.

While most students show increases in results there have been 5 standout students who have excelled showing significant results with the internal tests administered as well as excelling in their school results.


Results %

Book 1   Book 2    School avg





















Looking at the past Grade 8 group currently in Grade 9: *

Since this is the second year implimenting this program with our Grade 8s, it is also interesting to look at the results of the grade 9s and to compare those who were part of initial grade 8 group versus new students in grade 9 who began this year at IkamvaYouth. To do this a test was administered with the following results:

Existing Ikamvanites scored an average of 23.6/60 on the test versus new Ikamvanites who scored an average of 19.9/60

This test is one, imperfect, snapshot of the mathematical competencies.  It could be criticised for being “too hard” and including many problems not yet covered in the syllabus. However, a very basic conclusion can be drawn that the existing Ikamvanites scored better than the new Ikamvanites and attained a higher average as a group.

* Many thanks to Andrew Einhorn for administering the tests and providing these results

Well done Grade 8s keep it up!!

Special thanks to:

Cecil and Ruth Hershler  -funding provided through Education Without Borders

‘Yes We Can’ math books writen by Dr Rahael Jalan

Nicholas Mei – Grade 8 tutor

Matrics in WC

Matrics in WC

While all the Makhaza students enjoy the last week of their winter school holidays, taking a much needed break from the intense focused energy needed for winter school, the Western Cape matrics have given up their entire holiday to continue with tutoring, mentoring, exam preparation, and tertiary applications.

This week sees intensive academic writing and bursary application writing workshops being run by Rose and Francisca, two volunteers from Stanford university, as well as each matric filling out at least 5 application forms for tertiary. It’s only Wednesday and so far everyone has applied for UCT, TSiBA, UWC, CPUT, Northlink and a few for Stellenbosch University. All this interspersed with tutoring, tutoring and more tutoring (with the odd test thrown in..)

Big up matrics!! The end is nearly in sight, by giving up your holiday for this last gasp of intensive tutoring and mentoring it’s setting yourself up for a spectacular finish at the end of the year!

There are only a few days left, if you are interested in tutoring or mentoring the matrics, please email liesel@ikamvayouth.org, alternatively call Zukile on 021 362 6799



Winter School Sports Day: IYKZN

Winter School Sports Day: IYKZN

On the 29th of June, at the Durban University of Technology Sports grounds, IkamvaYouth Umlazi and Chesterville branches held the first IYKZN Sports day.

The day was to be filled with fun activities for the learners and volunteers alike. The best part of the story is that ABI was to come on board and help out on the day. They came through in a big way. Not only did they provide balls, bibs, whistles, refreshments, juice bottles and T-shirts, they also brought staff members to volunteer and participate in the day’s activities, as well as a huge entertainment truck to keep the energy going throughout the day.

The ABI entertainment truck

The first order of the day was the 100+ learners and volunteers separating themselves into 4 teams. The teams, which were initially colour coded (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow), were tasked with coming up with a creative name, designing a flag, and coming up with a war-cry/song to represent their team. 

The red team (Umlilo)

The green team (Izingqungqulu)

The blue team (Blue buuls)

The yellow team (Peace makers)

The day kicked off with soccer and netball knock-out tournaments running alongside each other. The ABI staff were deep in the thick of things, with some guys playing in the matches and others serving as officials. The netball matches were very heated, with guys and girls, volunteers and learners all getting in on the action. The same can be said for the soccer match, where 4 ABI employees were deep in the action. The matches were action packed and very diverse in terms of paricipation. 

After the soccer and netball, we saw athletics going under way. With a 100m dash, 400m and 100m egg relay all being on the cards. Once again everyone stepped up to the plate, volunteers, ABI employees, and learners alike participated in every event.

The last part of the day was the indigenous games. The leaners played games such as marbles, tops, skipping rope and stones (amagenda). This was really fun for the learners, as these are games that are played in the townships.

throughout the day ABI provided us with bottomless refreshments, not a single person went thirsty. Special thanks to the ABI team for their presence, it was really felt. In closing we all cleaned up the grounds and left them spotless and to a group photo with everyone who was there.


Netball action

The Soccer players stretching

Lloyd Lungu

031 909 3590
2525 Ngcede Grove, Umlazi AA Library, 4031

Lloyd is a self-disciplined and highly goal-driven Industrial Psychology Honours graduate. He is currently a Master's candidate completing his second year of M.Com in Industrial Psychology at the University of the Free State. Lloyd joined IkamvaYouth as a learner in 2012, after matriculating he came back and volunteered as a tutor for the duration of his undergraduate studies at UKZN. He later worked as an Intern in the Chesterville branch. His passion for youth empowerment and inclusion has grown enormously through his time and experience gained within IkamvaYouth and has inspired him to provide career guidance to young township people. He is currently working at the Umlazi Branch as a Branch Assistant.