One of the most exciting things about a new year, is the chance to make or introduce measurable changes into one’s life. One of the ways of doing that, is reflecting on the previous year’s achievements and be inspired to achieve at a higher level.

IkamvaYouth Makhaza held Open Day/Prize Giving on the morning of the 30th January 2016, from 09:30 at Impendulo Primary School. The Branch Coordinator, Busiswa Dayimani and a few volunteers welcomed 60 new learners together with their parentsy, ranging from grade 8 to grade 10. A sense of pride was beaming on all the parents’ faces because their children chose the path of education and are going beyond their school hours to show how committed they are. A few of the learners were anxious and not sure what to expect but…many were excited and ready to delve into the agenda for the day. Busiswa Dayimani explained in depth to the attendees, the 5 IkamvaYouth Values, branch protocols and closed off by saying, “We are one big happy family in Makhaza, not even once, should you be made to feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed in this space, this branch belongs to you and you should take ownership of it .”

Open Day was succeeded by Prize Giving, where the 2015 IkamvaYouth Learners, Volunteers, Partners and Stakeholders were awarded certificates together with prizes for Gold Attendance, Platinum Attendance, Outstanding Academic Achievement, Most Improved, Excellence In English, Participation and Appreciation. Anastasia Koch PhD, from EWHOZA, who hosts film & media workshops centered on TB awareness, handed out certificates to the 2015 participants of whom she mentioned, how pleased she was to have worked with. The Hall was filled with jubilant vibrations of laughter, applause, screams… was a celebration! One of the highlights of the day was the key note address given by one of IkamvaYouth’s Superheroes, Phuthang Makhupane, he joined IY in 2011 as a tutor, he is currently a software developer at an international company and he is set on affording disadvantaged learners the opportunities he never had as he highlighted that, there is nothing better than being guided by someone who knows exactly what you’re going through. The event came to an end with Thembakazi Phuza, a matric learner, leading the attendees in song!
What a way to introduce the new learners into the branch and inspire the existing learners to strive for excellence!

The IkamvaYouth Joza Branch celebrated the achievements of its learners at the annual open day and prize giving event last Saturday. The awards ranged from those who have demonstrated academic excellence to those who were rewarded for their availability and willingness to help around the branch.
The guest speaker at this year’s event was Ms Monica Canca, the first Joza branch coordinator. Her motivational speech will live long in the memories of all the staff, volunteers, learners and parents present as she repeated that joining IkamvaYouth was “the best decision you will ever make in your life”.
Ms Nocawa Mzembe, a parent of one of the top performing matrics, offered some advice to parents and children alike. “Noba kuyanetha, vuka uye eIkamvaYoutk”, she said encouraging learners to attend the programme whether it is raining or not. She went on to advise parents to give their matric children a break from household chores this year, allowing them more time with their studies. “Whatever happens at the end of the year, your child will know that you had given them all the support that you could,” she said.
The Overall Academic Award this year was awarded to Vuyolwethu Zumani, who achieved brilliant results, especially in Maths and Physical Science. The principal of Ntsika Secondary School, Mrs Madeleine Schoeman accepted Sinazo Madakana’s award for Matric of the year in her absence. Other mentionable awards were Athenkosi Adam for Platinum attendance (90 – 100%) and Appreciation awards to Sibulele Moyakhe and Banele Xoki for always being there to assist in the branch.
Thabang Stoffel, who returned to the branch to tutor, gave an encouraging speech to his peers. He said that it is important to remember who you are and that if you fall, it does not mean the end. You must pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. He is living proof that with perseverance comes success. This year he is registered with Rhodes University to study towards a Bachelor of Science Degree.
This event was a fantastic opportunity to formally celebrate the abundance of talent that exists within IkamvaYouth Joza in a diverse range of areas. The attendees enjoyed music and poetry from Ikamvanites Nobathembu Nxawe, Awonke Manze and Sibulele Moyakhe.
The day reflected on past achievements and also looked to the future as we are proud of the successes of the class of 2015 and look forward to helping them become confident, responsible and successful members of society.
Ikamva Lisezandleni Zethu: The future is in our hands

IkamvaYouth has been selected to participate in All Star Slot’s #WinTheJackpot Charity Campaign. Our participation could see us winning a share of the $5750 jackpot!
All you have to do is vote for us by visiting and casting your vote between the 8th of February to the 8th of March 2016.
The winners will be announced on the All Star Slot’s website between the 15th and the 19th of March 2016.
All Star Slot’s describe themselves as a “socially conscious company and have a charity fund pool which we build up throughout the year through staff fund raising events as well as from contributions from our generous owner. In 2015 we raised $5,750 for the fund and want to use it to counter the bad reputation which casinos and gambling have by awarding it to a charitable cause.”
Get voting!
Martin Luther King Jnr once said “life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”. On Saturday the 23rd of January 2016, the IkamvaYouth Ebony Park branch hosted it’s annual open day to kick start 2016,welcome parents, learners, volunteer, sponsor(ABI),mentors and further strengthen our brand presence in the Midrand.

Our MC, Mr Welshman Dube launched the day with a prayer,followed by an ice breaker to get everyone settled and later presented the “Funeka’s Story” which outlines how Ikamvayouth continues to assists high school learners with their academics.

Sarika Kisten from ABI explained how proud they are to partner with IkamvaYouth as it uplifts the youth of South Africa through education.Tzu Chi, gave a well-received testimony on education, community involvement and the activities that the Tzu Chi Foundation are involved in.
Percy Mabizela, one of our tutors, gave a motivational talk that focused on important life lessons the youth need to learn and apply from the beginning of the year. In his words “Self-awareness is about knowing your talent, your dreams, strengths and weaknesses.” He emphasised that once people know what they want to become in life, they must make decisions and choices that will bring about positive results.
In addition, two of our current Grade 11 Ikamvanites , Meyahabo Rapholo and Njabulo Mutle recited poems that outlined the importance of education and emphasized it’s benefits.
Kefilwe Maake who join IkamvaYouth in 2014 and obtained 5 distinctions,explained how Ikamvayouth assisted her to achieve these distinctions. Kefilwe extended her gratitude to ABI for the the financial and non-financial assistance the branch continues receive.
“Through with hard work and commitment it is very easy to excel in academics” – Kefilwe Maake

IkamvaYouth awarded learners for their commitment and dedication shown towards their studies. Ikamvanites were awarded for achieving 80% and above for attendance and received certificates for participation in Operation Fikelela through Siyakhula Computer School. Awards for the “learner of the Year”, “most improved learner” and certificates of participation were handed to the deserving learners and ABI further praised the learners who obtained distinctions for their respective subjects. At the end of the ceremony, all IkamvaYouth learners received gifts from IkamvaYouth and backpacks from ABI, to thank them for being part of this educational movement.
2016 has kicked off with a BANG and is set for producing more excellent results.
Ikamva Youth: The future is in our hands.

During the third term of 2015, IkamvaYouth carried out a feedback project, aimed at engaging our alumni community, and giving them the opportunity to participate in the development of the alumni programme going forward. The project included running an online survey which was completed by both 2015 matric learners and alumni (a total of 165), as well as two workshops: the first was in Gauteng on the 17th October 2015 (with 19 matric and alumni participants from Ivory Park and Ebony Park branches), and the other in Cape Town on the 27th November 2015 (with 10 matric and alumni participants from Makhaza and Nyanga branches). Here’s a sneak peak at the results:
The Good News…
- Alumni find our programmes helpful in preparing them for post-matric life
- They are proud advocates of the organisation

- They want to participate in alumni programmes
- They want to stay connected to IY and contribute in-kind as well as financially
- Alumni can’t give back if they’re struggling (financially and otherwise)
- Not all the ideas offered are feasible: So we need to manage expectations
- IY needs to start supporting alumni not in tertiary (e.g. FET, unemployed, upgrading matric)
So, our next steps are to:
- Ensure communication and feedback of key issues between the alumni and IY
- Share opportunities (jobs/funding/study/etc.) via emails and social media
- Host Meet-Ups every term (incorporating needed skills workshops such as CV & Interview skills)
- Source/develop and share guides/booklets with important info (e.g. adjusting to university), and work with branch staff to ensure that these are shared (through workshops & talks) with matric learners
- Pilot a campus support structure in WC
- Promote the individual giving campaign among our alumni who are employed
For a more detailed look at the findings of this project, please
click here to access the full report.
Thank you so much to all the alumni who participated so enthusiastically in the survey and workhops!