Photo of Ikamvanites, Parents and IY Relatives
The event is where we celebrated a wonderful year of many significant achievements. The branch equally acknowledged all the Ikamvanites who used the opportunity in the year striving towards personal growth and academic excellence. Each learner received a branded coffee mug with the IkamvaYouth logo and a personalized name, a certificate recognising their academic excellence.
Presented by the Kuyasa Progamme Coordinator, Ntombi Mahlangu, 80 prize giving awards were awarded for the following mentioned categories (see below).

Photo: Ntombi (Left) presenting an award on Outstanding Commitment Approach to Learning to Silindokuhle Madzwila (Right)
These are the descriptions of each award presented at the end of the year function;
? Persistent Ikamvanite 2016
? Responsible And Enthusiastic Approach to Education
? Growth And Progress Award
? Mathematics Enthusiast
? Communication With Confidence and Charisma 2016
? Outstanding Commitment Approach to Learning
? Excellent Academic Progress in Accounting
? Commendable Consistency and Perfect Attendance Record
? Academic Excellence Enthusiast
? Principal of the Year – Mr A. Magadla from Siphamandla Secondary School
? Tutoring Venue of the Year– Kuyasa Public Library
? Parent of the Year (Ms Ntuli and Ms Mangweni)

Photo: Ntombi presenting awards to a team of Kuyasa Volunteers
The following awards were presented to volunteers;
? Excellence In Mathematics And Science Tutor
? Mathematics And Science Leading Tutor
? Accounting And Commerce Enthusiast Tutor

Photo: Yonela Sitawuti demonstrating IkamvaYouth motto that we live by daily at our tutoring space; our organizational motto is “The Future Is In Our Hands“.
Prizes and gifts were all well received by learners, parents and stakeholders. Moreover, the parents and IY relatives were hugely impressed with the achievements and attitude of all of our Ikamvanites.
With only 10 months running in the Kuyasa space, for each and every learner, the branch still strives towards helping learners achieve academic excellence, personal development and success in all their future aspiration. We are so proud working with such an excellent team dedicated towards achievement of positive goals.

Photo: Ikamvanites showing appreciation to Merrypak for a donation of mailing tubes
We would like to thank Merrpak located in Ndabeni for supporting our Prize Giving event through a donation of 48 Mailing Tubes that assisted in arranging the assortment of certificates awarded to Ikamvanites.
We are looking forward to the New Year, 2017!!
As the year 2016 draws to a close, it is important to look back and celebrate the achievements of the year gone by. The Nyanga Prize Giving was held on Friday, 02 December at the Nyanga branch. With the weather permitting, the event was held in the quad of the Zolani Centre. The event was attended by parents, volunteers, learners, IkamvaYouth staff members and neighbouring stakeholders at the centre.

It was great to see most of the Nyanga learners wearing their IY t-shirt with pride. After the welcoming address from the Branch Coordinator, a moment was taken to highlight all that has gone well for the Nyanga branch in 2016. Emphasis was placed on the positive achievements of 2016, as we often like to dwell on the trials and challenges instead of the triumphs. Included in the major achievements of 2016 was: Winter School 2016, Matric Camp, the branch’s partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Girls and Boys Club and winning the national T-shirt design competition. After highlighting the achievements of the branch, it was time to move on to the individual awards ceremony.
The energy among the learners seemed to lift as the individual awards ceremony began. The awards categories included attendance, outstanding academic achievement, most improved learners, learner of the year, matric learner of the year, excellence in English and many others. A new category introduced by the Nyanga branch was the award for ‘Shining Stars’. The ‘Shining Star’ award was received by learners who are not necessarily in the top 5 academically but do show great potential and take initiative at the branch. The winners of this award received a letter of recognition and appreciation, accompanied by a chocolate surprise and a ruler. In giving this award, we wished to reward and recognize all that they do for the branch and to encourage other learners to do the same.

[A group of learners pose with their certificates]
The volunteers were not left out of the awards ceremony. All the volunteers received a Certificate of Appreciation and a small gift. The awards ceremony was closed off with a few special gifts to recognize those who have contributed greatly to the Nyanga branch’s success in 2016. The branch did not forget to thank and recognize Lawrence, the branch security guard who goes above and beyond for everyone at the branch. The event was then closed off and refreshments were served.
The Nyanga branch is grateful to have so much to celebrate in 2016.

On the 26th of November 2016 Masi branch hosted the year end prizegiving ceremony at Masiphumelele Library. On this day the Masi branch was honouring all the hard work done by the learners and tutors and also acknowledging our partners. Sanelisiwe and Sandisiwe Ndzuzo, both in Grade 9, were the MCs of the day and started the event on very high note with lots of energy, excitement and enthusiasm.
The prizegiving categories were, Learner of the year voted by other learners; Most Improved, Outstanding Academic Achievement, Best Attendance, Learner Involvement and Certificate of Participation for Volunteers.
Thulisa Mayekiso briefly explained the Nal’ibali programme for the Grade 9 and 10s before handing out certificates and prizes for the Book Club. The event was a success, the parents, learners and tutors were really excited and celebrating all the achievements done by the Masinites.
The Masi Branch especially thanks the Masiphumelele Public Library staff for their constant support and in-kind donations ; Capitec Bank, State Street Southern Africa and Cognia Law for their financial support as well as providing some mentors for the Matriculants. Thank you to Pick n’ Pay Fish Hoek Family Store for always generously donating food during Winter School and all other special events.
On Saturday 12 November, the Nyanga branch hosted the last tutor appreciation event for the year. Unlike previous tutor appreciation events, the Nyanga tutors had no idea where they would be going for the event. The invitation brief stated that the dress code was casual and that everyone was required to wear closed shoes. The day began with the usual tutoring session at the branch. All that the tutors knew was that they were going somewhere after the tutoring session. The branch staff kept the tutors in suspense until they had reached their destination. The mystery event was bowling!
It was time to let the games begin. The group was divided into four small teams that would play alongside each other. The game consisted of ten rounds for each team and all team members were required to participate in each round. It didn’t take the teams long before the race to the finish line began. The teams cheered each other on as the rounds drew closer to the finish line. It was the most competitive and focused team that emerged as the champions of the day. Everyone agreed that it was purely just a coincidence that this group only had male team members.

After the excitement and rivalry of the game it was finally time for lunch. After lunch, the group headed to the game arcade for more fun and games. The rivalry from the bowling alley disappeared and the tutors started working together for a common goal: winning as many coupons as possible in order to redeem a prize that can be taken back to the branch. With over 500 coupons collected, the group was able to purchase Playing Cards and Snakes & Ladders for the branch. It was great to see that the Nyanga tutors think about the branch even when they are not volunteering. It was also great to see our tutors and branch staff battling out on the bowling alley.
We are grateful that this small token of appreciation was well received by all those who attended.

[Tutors enjoying a selfie moment]
About our workshops
The first session was a parents meeting which ran from 10h00am until 11h30am. The induction is tailored to inform parents on the learners matriculation prospects and providing progress reports on Ikamvanites attending our after-school tutoring classes. It is refreshing to see parents taking initiative by showing interest in their children’s academic progress and the work that we do.
The second session was our grade 11 workshop that ran from 11h35 to 13h30pm. See the picture below of our Ikamvanites, fully dressed in their designated school uniforms.

What The Grade 11 Induction Workshop Entails?
This induction workshop introduced both our current grade 11 Ikamvanites and parents to the structure of our tutoring and mentoring programmes for 2017. The workshop specifically focused on setting expectations, the procedures, practices and requirements for the programme.
Also covered in both workshops were the differences between the three pass levels namely: the Higher Certificate, Diploma and Bachelors Degree (which was previously known as an exemption). This was covered by Ntombi Mahlangu, the Kuyasa Programme Coordinator. The induction process included the pass requirements for each of these levels; the prerequisites for tertiary enrolment; what is meant by conditional acceptance and what to do in order to satisfy the requirements for full admission at certain tertiary institutions. Furthermore during the session with the learners, they were taught to calculate for themselves their matric pass type using mock academic reports so they could be aware of their term 3 pass status. For your interest, click here for the matric pass type calculator.
The induction programme was well received by both parents and learners. They remarked that it did not only provide both parents and Ikamvanites with crucial information about the learners’ next step as matriculants, but it also enabled Ikamvanites to become more positively aligned with their personal goals.
We are proud of all Kuyasa Ikamvanites! Through their constant effort they have managed to maintain outstanding academic performance.
We are looking forward to seeing many of our amazing parents again in 2017!