Martin Luther King Jnr once said “life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”. On Saturday the 23rd of January 2016, the IkamvaYouth Ebony Park branch hosted it’s annual open day to kick start 2016,welcome parents, learners, volunteer, sponsor(ABI),mentors and further strengthen our brand presence in the Midrand.
Our MC, Mr Welshman Dube launched the day with a prayer,followed by an ice breaker to get everyone settled and later presented the “Funeka’s Story” which outlines how Ikamvayouth continues to assists high school learners with their academics.
Sarika Kisten from ABI explained how proud they are to partner with IkamvaYouth as it uplifts the youth of South Africa through education.Tzu Chi, gave a well-received testimony on education, community involvement and the activities that the Tzu Chi Foundation are involved in.
Percy Mabizela, one of our tutors, gave a motivational talk that focused on important life lessons the youth need to learn and apply from the beginning of the year. In his words “Self-awareness is about knowing your talent, your dreams, strengths and weaknesses.” He emphasised that once people know what they want to become in life, they must make decisions and choices that will bring about positive results.
In addition, two of our current Grade 11 Ikamvanites , Meyahabo Rapholo and Njabulo Mutle recited poems that outlined the importance of education and emphasized it’s benefits.
Kefilwe Maake who join IkamvaYouth in 2014 and obtained 5 distinctions,explained how Ikamvayouth assisted her to achieve these distinctions. Kefilwe extended her gratitude to ABI for the the financial and non-financial assistance the branch continues receive.
“Through with hard work and commitment it is very easy to excel in academics” – Kefilwe Maake
IkamvaYouth awarded learners for their commitment and dedication shown towards their studies. Ikamvanites were awarded for achieving 80% and above for attendance and received certificates for participation in Operation Fikelela through Siyakhula Computer School. Awards for the “learner of the Year”, “most improved learner” and certificates of participation were handed to the deserving learners and ABI further praised the learners who obtained distinctions for their respective subjects. At the end of the ceremony, all IkamvaYouth learners received gifts from IkamvaYouth and backpacks from ABI, to thank them for being part of this educational movement.
2016 has kicked off with a BANG and is set for producing more excellent results.
Ikamva Youth: The future is in our hands.