Learners attend Re-Think Leadership Unconventional
Early on Saturday morning, 28 September, Makhaza learners joined many other learners from around Cape Town at the Khayelitsha Multi-Purpose Hall. The unconventional is presented by Rethink Leardership which is an opportunity to see presentations by amazing social innovators and to interact with them. It is where they were able to share ideas with other learners from different schools and be their creative selves. The diverse group of individuals shared their ideas about how to tackle issues that affect their communities.
Ndilisa May a grade 11 learner spoke about the event, “Unconventional was a great platform for us because we had a chance to talk to awesome young innovators and to share ideas with them. The exciting part was that some of the IkamvaYouth learners were given a chance to share information about their Community Action Projects. It was inspiring as many are willing to take time and make a positive change in their communities.” The programme is about bringing out the leadership skills that all these learners possess and using these skills to better their lives and the communities they come from.
“Communication was being highlighted, because in order to know something you have to interact with others, it is also easy to work with other people when you have communication skills. You achieve better results when you work with people rather than alone”, said Talitha Maliti a grade 11 learner.
It was a day well spent for the learners of Makhaza as they commended the event as a success.