IkamvaYouth Ikageng -Grade 12 Learners’ and Parents’ Meeting

IkamvaYouth Ikageng -Grade 12 Learners’ and Parents’ Meeting

“It takes a village to raise a child” African Proverb

The Ikageng branch held a Grade 12 learners and parent meeting on the 30th August 2014 at our tutoring venue, Thembalidansi Primary School. The aim of the meeting was to discuss Grade 12 learner challenges and jointly formulate solutions to address their issues.

Our learners mentioned the a lack of clarity of the role of the parent with applications  curriculum gaps created chapters not thoroughly covered at school, learner time management, low self-esteem due to personal circumstances as part of the challenges they are faced with. The parents, learners, tutors and staff discussed the challenges and some of the solutions were the following;


–         Parents understand they need to part of each decision made by learners, from choosing careers to retrieving reports from schools. The branch will introduce motivational video “ice breakers” every Saturday to keep learners motivated…..WATCH THIS SPACE..!!!

We held an Interview with one of our Ikamvanite parents: M.s  S.M Makale , parent of Lerato Makale-  2014 IY Matriculant, to understand her views of the Grade 12 learners and parents meeting. 

Q: How does it feel knowing that you child is part of the first group of Ikageng matrics?

A: I am happy that my daughter is part of Ikamva Youth, there is an improvement in her school ethic and I will give her more support.

Q : Todays  meeting, your thoughts..?

A : Well..as tutors, you guys are doing a great job and your presence is a motivation to our children to excel in schoolwork. As parents, we should take initiative and interest in our children’s studies,  by supporting them in whichever way we can.

IY Learners and Parents Working Together to Address the Challenges Faced by  Grade 12’s

IY Learners and Parents Working Together to Address the Challenges Faced by Grade 12’s

The Ikageng branch held a Grade 12 learners and parent meeting on the 30th August 2014 at our tutoring venue, Thembalidansi Primary School. The aim of the meeting was to discuss Grade 12 learner challenges and jointly formulate solutions to address their issues.

Our learners mentioned the a lack of clarity of the role of the parent with applications  curriculum gaps created chapters not thoroughly covered at school, learner time management, low self-esteem due to personal circumstances as part of the challenges they are faced with. The parents, learners, tutors and staff discussed the challenges and some of the solutions were the following;

–         Parents understand they need to part of each decision made by learners, from choosing careers to retrieving reports from schools. The branch will introduce motivational video “ice breakers” every Saturday to keep learners motivated…..WATCH THIS SPACE..!!!

We held an Interview with one of our Ikamvanite parents: M.s  S.M Makale , parent of Lerato Makale-  2014 IY Matriculant, to understand her views of the Grade 12 learners and parents meeting.